chapter twenty-four

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I feel like all I've been doing is eating and sleeping at work. I decided to team up with a group which supported black businesses and invest in them. I had all this money, it was time to help people make their dreams come true.

I had just left the gym in my building with my personal trainer and I was making my way back up to my apartment to take a shower. Once I got in checked my phone and I had messages from the mandem and another number I did not recognise. I unlocked my phone going through the messages, I clicked on the number I didn't recognise and saw it was a text invitation to Acacia's launch party with my name and a code for entry. I closed Imessage and locked my phone putting in on my kitchen counter. I stripped down and got in the shower, all I could think about these past few weeks was how did I get dumped by someone who isn't even my girlfriend?

I texted her few times during the first week this shit happened but once I accepted she wasn't going to respond, I left her alone. I'm not a beg and I'm not gonna beg her to speak to me if she doesn't want too, it is what it is.

I jumped out the shower, drying myself off and moisturising my body. I put on my Palm Angels tracksuit and walked into my kitchen opening up my fridge. Since I spent so much of my time in offices I never had time to actually food shop so I fridge was pretty empty. I sat down on my couch and went on my Instagram, Kevz sent me a DM. I opened the chat and saw him sent Acacia's instagram post with some weird looking youte.

 I opened the chat and saw him sent Acacia's instagram post with some weird looking youte

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She captioned the picture, 'partna in crime' lol.

I didn't even bother responding to him, why would he think I want to see some shit like that? Weird guy.

I needed to move on from Acacia, I like the girl a lot but I'm not gonna force nothing with her, if she don't want nothing to do with man then so be it.

I woke up the next morning quite late and I really had nothing to do. I completed everything I needed done this week, today was also the day of Acacia's launch party and I decided last night that I wasn't going.

I know she invited my friends and all of them were going so I was going to spend my evening at my parents house. I got out of bed and went to take a shower, I was gonna do some food shopping before I go there.

After my shower I slapped on a quick tracksuit cause I was gonna come home and change. Brickz needed to shop too so I was gonna link him at Costco. I pulled up and parked next to him. "What you sayin bro? Feels like I ain't seen you in a while" Brickz said as he texted on his phone as we walked into the shop. We grabbed our shopping trolleys and went through the aisles, I honestly hated food shopping. "I know man, I've been patterning a few things been handling business and I'm back on my gym shit" I said as I picked up the 24 packs of water. "Swear down, that's good to hear bro. I was even gonna call you yesterday but I thought let me wait till I see you" Brickz said as he put his away to pick up his own water, I turned to face him "So what happened?".

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