chapter seventy - part one

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"One, two, three..." Azrael counted as he was doing his push ups, he was having a workout session after his jog, this was something he done everyday whilst he was in prison and he wanted to continue with his routine. As he approached his third rep, his door bell rang. 

He got up turning off the music playing and picked up his phone checking his ring camera and saw Pino standing at his front door with two body guards behind him. He thought about whether he wanted to answer or not but he decided he will.

He walked downstairs and headed to the front door opening it. 

He waited for Pino to speak first before saying anything, "Azrael, you look so different! May I enter?" he asked with a smile on his face, Azrael made room for Pino to come inside shutting the door behind him. "What can I do for you Pino?" Azrael asked as he wiped himself down with a towel, Pino looked around the empty hall way then turned to look at Azrael "Please, call me Cristian and is there somewhere we can go to talk?" Cristian asked still sporting the same smile. 

Azrael walked into his living room, it was really simple and there was nothing crazy about it. He had what was needed in the room. "You can take a seat" Azrael said even though he decided to stay standing. "Thank you I have to say, you have aged very well... You look older yet still young" Cristian said analysing Azrael's new look as he took a seat, "Thank you, same to you.. Cristian, it's been a while since I've heard from you so I'm curious to know what your doing here" Azrael said as he held on to the towel wrapped around his neck, "I just wanted to see how you were doing now that you were out. I've known you for a long time and although you may not feel the same way, I've always seen you as the son I never had" Cristian said as he crossed his leg over getting comfortable. "I'm doing okay, I'm just happy to be home so I can restart my life again" Azrael said keeping it simple, Cristian nodded his head. 

"You know, I never got the opportunity to thank you for keeping myself and my wife's name out of your deal and for sacrificing yourself for our daughter" Cristian said, "I will forever be grateful to you" he said, Azrael just nodded his head. "You know I did that all for Acacia" Azrael said, a part of him still couldn't believe that Pino was her father let alone QC being her mother. 

"I got the judge to release you early from your sentence, I'm not sure why you didn't apply for an appeal earlier" Cristian said, if Azrael had applied earlier, he would've helped but he wasn't in communication with him at all during his prison sentence. "I got into a lot of trouble during my time in there, it wouldn't have worked until I had to change some things around but thank you for that. I had a feeling you had something to do with it" Azrael said, Cristian noticed Azrael was very stiff, his energy wasn't the same. Azrael was now a grown man with a mellow vibe compared to how he was before. 

"Azrael your energy is very different, it seems like your hiding something from me" Cristian said as he stared at Azrael, "I sense that my presence isn't wanted" Cristian said, "Your right, it's not. I left all the things in my old life in the past and you're the biggest reminder of it so I would love to wrap up this conversation quickly" Azrael said as he started to move around the room, "Azrael, I know the last time we saw each other we ended things on bad terms but things are different now. I'm a family man, I'm married, I have grandchildren... you've met them correct?" Cristian asked as he smiled thinking about Malik and Elijah. 

Azrael just looked at him and didn't respond, he knew Pino and Pino was a dangerous guy and he was surprised Acacia allowed him in her life. "I asked you a question" Cristian said turning to look at Azrael, "Things are different now Pino, I don't work for you and I don't owe you any answers" Azrael said as he walked over to the couch taking a seat, "I appreciate what you done for me honestly but I just want nothing to do with you" Azrael said leaning forward, Cristian smirked. "How is that possible when you want to be with my daughter? Todavia la quieres, correcto?" Cristian asked, Azrael just leaned back in his seat looking away from him. 

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