the end or the beginning?

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Several months later in June

"I want you all to know that I appreciate every single one of you, if you've purchased something, reposted or even just helped me promote my brand over these past 13 years. I was so excited when I opened Body - Miami, I love Miami and these past 5 years this store has done better than I ever thought and that's thanks to you guys and my lovely staff! I want you all to enjoy tonight, there's plenty of drinks and food plus were doing 50% off today!" Acacia said into the mic, they all applauded after listening to her graceful speech, she handed the mic back to the DJ.

She walked over to the servers and grabbed a glass of Champagne then walked over to her father, "Hey, you enjoying yourself?" Acacia asked as she got his attention, he came to support her and had his guards on standby. "I am, I'm truly proud of everything you have accomplished here" he said showing off his smile, Cristian was 59 years old but yet he still looked young although he had the silver fox vibe going it suited him, his hair was still bouncy and curly but he had cut his hair shorter and his body was in the best shape ever. "Thank you, thank you! But pops, your looking super ripped! You do not look like a 59 year old man" she said changing the subject, sometimes Acacia wouldn't allow people to applaud her. "I take care of myself, I want to be around for as long as possible but at least you know that you will age well too, you have Rodriguez blood" he said, she started to laugh "Your right, I do! How can I forget" she said.

Cristian was wearing a tailored Blue suit with a white shirt, "You know I wish I could've brought your mother with me. It doesn't feel fair celebrating our daughter without her" Cristian said with his hands in his pockets, Acacia took a few sips of her champagne looking at her dad, "Pops, I know your always going to stand up for your lady and I love that but I can't spend this amazing day talking about my mother and her attitude" Acacia said politely. Acacia's relationship with Cookie was non-existent, she hadn't spoken to her mother since Malik's birthday after she physically fought with her mother, she was done.

She walked around mingling with her guest and dancing with them too, she kept looking at the door every time it opened to see who it was but it was never the person she thought it would be. She looked at her watch and there was only an hour left before the party was done.

She decided to get on the till and serve some customers, she would do this sometimes when she was at either of her stores and she loved the interactions with her customers. "Your going to love this swimsuit, this is my go to and it's super sculpting" Acacia said as she wrapped and packed the customers items into a box then placed it into a bag for her, "Girl I know, I've bought like 3 of them in the past. I just needed this colour" the customer said smiling, "I love that! Thank you so much" Acacia said as she handed her the bag, "Thanks for shopping with us" Acacia said. She served a few more customers until she saw the door open, "Jordy, cover the till for me please" Acacia said excitedly, she speed walked over.

She almost jumped into his arms and embraced him with a kiss, "Your finally here! You took so long" she said, "I'm sorry babe, my meeting ran over" Azrael said, he handed her a big bouquet of flowers "These are for you beautiful" he said kissing her cheek. "I love these, thank you! and your wearing your T-Shirt!" she said cheesing, he was wearing the T-Shirt she'd got him for his birthday last year, "I can't come to a Body party with my Body gear. At least this time I brought something with me" he said smiling. Acacia was confused, "What do you mean?" she said admiring her flowers, "Remember when you first launched Body and I came to your party but I didn't bring you anything?" Azrael said, Acacia thought back to 13 years ago and she remembered it was also the first time he told her he loved her. "I do remember, it's been 13 years already... wow" Acacia said shaking her head in shock. He leaned over kissing her cheek, "Do your thing, I'm here if you need me" he said, she nodded her head and walked away.

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