chapter fifty-three

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"Yeah I'll be back out here end of the year or maybe before that but I will be back in town for Megs release, I'll be coming to one of her shows in Houston" Aaliyah said as she dressed her daughter whilst speaking on the phone. "No problem at all, speak soon" she said as she hung up the call. 

"You look so pretty in your dress Mari" she said to her daughter, Samaria was not paying any attention to her mother she was looking outside the window at the views from the high rise apartment. "Your hair is starting to grow a lot more" she said as she ran her hands through her hair. 

She put Samaria down from the dressing table and let her walk around, she walked over to her doll house. Aaliyah took a seat by the window and went on her Email a prisoner app, she was still awaiting a response for Acacia, they'd been emailing for weeks. There wasn't a response yet so she closed the app and went on Instagram. Acacia case and the RICO had made theshaderoom and it seemed like something everyone was talking about all over Twitter. 

Aaliyah was extremely angry when she found out about the RICO when Acacia was arrested, she couldn't leave Atlanta because she had major responsibilities. Josh used to pay for EVERYTHING and he still pays the majority of the fees for Samaria's childcare. Josh didn't tell her about it and when confronted about it he just ignored her calls and texts. She was returning back to the UK in 3 days and had her visit booked with Acacia, Acacia was taking weekly visits with Azrael every Friday and Saturday and from friends and family every other day.

She'd been in prison for 4 weeks now, with a trial date still not set.

"What should we eat today?" Aaliyah asked as she walked into the open plan kitchen, she lived in houses all her life but she was liking the apartment life, she was definitely going to rent an apartment in London, she was originally going to find a place near Josh in Kent but she decided she was going to stay in the city, closer to her parents and her daughters grandparents.

She walked over to the fridge analysing what was inside it but it wasn't anything she wanted to eat but there was a lot things Samaria could eat. "I guess were ordering food" she said, she went on UberEats and looked over some options for food and she decided to get Chic Fila, she was obsessed with that place aswell as the Wings at the Blue Flame lounge and a Seafood boil spot her and KC tried together. She ordered a meal for herself and a kids meal for her daughter with some sweet tea. 

She sat on the couch turning on the TV logging into her Youtube account, the TV kept logging her out. Once everything was loaded she looked the suggested options and saw an interview that was posted 3-hours ago, it was of Bricks. Bricks didn't really do interviews but he had decided to announce that he is releasing an album, this was before he had any knowledge of the RICO but it had brought more traction to the Album. Aaliyah clicked on the video because it was titled, "Bricks Interview - Upcoming Album, Rehab, His Daughter & Relationship".

Aaliyah went and got Samaria from her room, she was watching cocomelon on her iPad so she wanted her to watch from the living room so she could keep an eye on her. They both sat on the L shape couch together watching their own shows.

A disclaimer came up stating that the interview was filmed before any knowledge of any cases.

She watched the interview and Josh spoke about many things, he discussed the inspirtation behind his new album 'Changes' being his time in rehab and the struggles he dealt with being there and also how his daughter was the biggest instrument in his need for change. During the interview he was very transparent and also mentioned that Aaliyah had given him an ultimatum to change. The interview was nice and wholesome, Aaliyah thought it gave bricks audience a good opportunity to see how he really was and aside from all the drama they had going on, Josh was a good guy.

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