Fuinjutsu(Part 2)

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Kaminomichi: Kaminomichi is a sealing jutsu used by Jingū, only in a desperate circumstance due to the amount of chakra it takes to perform, and the amount of stress it puts on his body. It is said that the Kaminomichi uses the power of the Heavens (Representing "Sky" or "Void") in order to seal and destroy the target, and anything else that gets caught up in its range. This jutsu represents one of the Omikami Clan's most powerful Fūinjutsu, the antipode to Jingū's Yaoyorozunokami, the Omikami Clan's ultimate Juinjutsu. Both of these jutsu can only be used by an Omikami who has reached the final form of his/her second-level Zentengan. However, Kaminomichi requires the wielder to have Void Release in order for it to be activated.This jutsu is unable to be used several times as a convenience, and is only used as a last resort, considering using the jutsu more than once over a certain time can diminish the user's lifespan by 30 years each extra use. Kaminomichi's power comes from the several dark sealing formulas that form upon the wielder's initial hand seal. The formulas form in two parallel circular patterns facing upwards - one set spinning clockwise, and the other spinning counterclockwise. As this occurs, the jutsu develops a pulling force, which is made stronger when a gap in air space forms between the formulas. Anything that is pulled within the seals gets engulfed by the void in air space where their soul is sealed. After that, the air space detonates along with the seals, thus destroying the soul and the body of the opponent(s) caught within its range, while creating a single large ray of light leading to the sky. As well, while the technique is active, neither side are able to form effective jutsu that are entirely pure chakra, forms of energy, or forms of plasma, as they would be pulled in and engulfed by the central void in air space.

Kugeninpu:Kugeninpu (Literally meaning: Hellish Path to the Underworld) is a nightmarish Earth Release technique crafted by Shioisemikoto‎‎. This technique is highly versatile as it can alter the landscape and swallow entire villages in within in an almost unpredictable fashion. To initiate the technique, Shioisemikoto will channel her chakra directly into the ground below which then cause the surface layer of the crust to collapse within a large area causing a massive opening that leads to the abyss. Once complete, a monumental sinkhole is created that varies in size from either a few dozen meters across to being large enough in scale to completely engulf an entire village. Due to the cenote quickly forming, a hellish suction force will continuously draw everything in from beyond the circumference of the hole itself. Avoiding the technique may seem simple at first glance however, the formation is near instantaneous and is normally used against multiple foes or massive enemies such as Tailed Beast or equally large summons.The suction also creates unique disruption force (chacharyoku) which mitigates the formation of chakra just by being near the suction force of the hole. Flying above the sinkhole will not be enough to avoid the effects but users of space-time ninjutsu can casually evade it. By pouring more chakra into it, Shioisemikoto can expand its to a supermassive scale a which seemingly has an unending depth and its width is comparable to that of a small nation. However, the technique consumes a lot of chakra and can only be used once a day at its maximum potential. Once formed, Shioisemikoto can close the cenote, therefore crushing everything trapped within.

Laws of the Chanting Evil Spirits: Laws of the Chanting Evil Spirits (Kotodama Jarei no Hō) is an extremely horrific technique not only created by The Sage of the Astral Plane but also mastered Human Sovereign. As with the techniques invented by Asu, the technique not only affects the physical world as in what we can see, but it also effects the astral realm also known as the world of spirits. Therefore, it can easily be said that this technique impossible to escape from unless the opponent can transcend their physical from. This technique has its origins during the initial creation of Sargon and is used in conjunction with  Technique as it is the literal "soul" provider for it.

Lightning Seal: Threat Eradication Barrier: The user places a seal on anyway he touches to ward of attacks to that specific area. The seal acts as a type of reflector or deflector with the release a electrical discharge to force back and paralyze the oncoming threat. Because it is a seal, it has an involuntary activation but is also linked to his own neural system, therefore if his body takes it as a threat, it will evoke the effects. The seal is set to remain on the body even after death and if such occurred, will shroud the entire body in a layer of chakra that has been fed into the seal before hand.

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