Be Mine?

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Recap: Ev: Thank you

On with the story.

Br: Your welcome and can we cuddle?

Ev: Sure but let me give Josh his sweater back.

Br: Okay

I run to Josh's room and give him his sweater back. I forgot I was in a sports bars and went I saw Josh bit his lip I quickly got out of there and went back into Bryce's room.

Br: You look hot.

Ev: Can you stop looking at me please.

Br: Fine but you still look hot.

Ev: Can I borrow a sweater please??

Br: Of course you can.

Ev: Thanks

Br: Anything for you.

Ev: Bryce stop.

Br: Would you be down to date me??

Ev: Why?

Br: I just wanted to know so would you be down??

Ev: Yea I guess.

Br: So if I asked you out you would say yes?

Ev: I don't know Bryce why are you asking me these questions??

Br: Because I really like you and care for you a lot.

Ev: Aww Bryce I care for you to I would date you but I'd my brother ever found out I was dating you he would kill me.

Br: Princess he won't find out.

Ev: How would you know?

Br: Secret relationships are a thing in this world Evelyn.

Ev: Not everything stays a secret Bryce.

Br: Can you come over here so we can cuddle please.

Ev: Let me grab a hoodie.

Br: Don't just stay in your bra don't put anything on.

Ev: Why?

Next thing I see is Bryce taking off his shirt and then him walking closer to me.

Bryce P.O.V
After I took off my shirt and I walked closer to Evelyn and when I got to her I wrapped my arms around her waist and just looked into her eyes.

Br: I really wanna kiss you right now.

Ev: Okay do it nothing is stopping you from kissing me.

Br: Yea what about Josh?

Ev: Bryce he won't find out.

Br: K

Bryce looked into my eyes and then my lips back up to my eyes and then kissed me. The kiss got heated real quickly before I pulled back.

Ev: Bryce how about we just cuddle before you get carried away.

Br: Fine but your lucky.

Ev: Whatever.

Bryce and Me cuddle till he spoke and asked me if i wanted to watch Netflix.

Br: Do you want to watch Netflix?

Ev: YES!!!

Br: What so you wanna watch.

Ev: Whatever you wanna watch.

Br: Bad idea.

Ev: Why??

Br: I'm turning on a scary movie.

Ev: Bryce no.

Br: I'm going to be right here love.

Ev: Fine okay.

Evelyn P.O.V
Halfway through the movie I was buried in Bryce's chest because every 6 seconds there would be a jump scare. Bryce laughed everytime I would jump and I would tell him that it wasn't funny.

Ev: Bryce stop laughing.

Br: I'm sorry.

Ev: It's fine.

Br: Ev can I ask you a question?

Ev: Sure what's up?

Br: So I've liked you ever since I met you and I was wondering if you would be

Ev: My girlfriend of course I will be your girlfriend. But will you be my boyfriend?

Br: Of course I'll be your boyfriend.

Ev: Does that mean we're a thing?

Br: Yes Evelyn we're a thing can I can calle mine now.

Ev: And I can call you mine too.

Br: What time is it.

Ev: 11:29 p.m

Br: We should get some sleep.

Ev: I agree I'm tried but now that we're a thing Josh is going to piss.

Br: I know but I got to you first.

Ev: True. Can I grab a hoodie?

Br: Can you please just stay in you sports bra please babe.

Ev: I guess why do I always give in to you?

Br: Because were dating now.

Ev: Bryce I wanna go say goodnight to Josh.

Br: Okay I wanna apologize for earlier.

* Walks to Josh's room and knocks on his door*


Ev: Hi Josh.

Jo: Hey Evelyn and Bryce

Br: Listen Josh sorry about earlier.

Jo: It's okay.

Ev: Josh by the way me and Bryce are dating now.

*Josh sighs*

Jo: Of course you are.

Ev: Josh I'm sorry.

Jo: Ev you did nothing wrong:

Br: Anyways we came to say goodnight.

Jo: Goodnight

Ev: Good Night Josh.

Bryce P.O.V
When and Evelyn we're walking out of Josh's room we locked hands. I was so happy I was with the girl of my dreams.

Ev: Night Bryce.

Br: Goodnight Babe.

Ev: Can I get a kiss?

Br: Yes.

Evelyn P.O.V
Bryce kissed goodnight and after that I felt super tired and just wanted to go to sleep and when I fell asleep I felt Bryce kiss my cheek. I can't believe I fell for Bryce Hall I love him so much.


So this chapter took me two days to write because I'm super busy with school so yea.

Word Count: 834

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