Chapter #9's deleted scene

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{Sugawara's POV}

It was 6:33 am and I decided to sit on a bench close behind to our gym looking at anywhere that interests me, but that stopped until I heard some girl singing..

[Play song above] (A/n: I'm not putting the lyrics in but just listen to it while Sugawara is talking about something..)

I heard the voice seeming that it was a little familiar to a female teammate but it's more higher pitched.. I stood up from the bench and decided to look for it..

As I followed the voice to a certain hill that was the twins chill spot when they have extra time or they got here early so I thought of maybe Kaoru was singing.. But my thoughts weren't lying at all, it was Kaoru who was singing with a cockatoo flying and circling above her while she was singing seeming like she owns the cockatoo since it has a loose collar on it, while looking at her I saw Kisaru hanging on a tree branch looking like a bat as a reddish brown furret was taking a nap beside his feet as he vocalizes some notes to match her singing..

But not gonna lie.. Their harmony, singing, and synchronized talking and a few more synchronization stuff about them is amazing.. Not gonna ignore the fact they're prodigies but yet adopted after a horrible accident in their childhood.. But yet they were still lively but I know they don't show it physically, but their tension and aura shows it, but I knew that Kisaru was trying his best to show his expressions... But then... There's Kaoru who's trying but fails... I always notice those small smirks, smiles, grins, giggles... I just wanna help her... And her twin.. Hmm... I guess after the golden week camp I can suggest them to have an amazing weekend or something... Just to spend their time doing their favorite things... I want to observe them so I can help 'em...

What the... Did I just see Kisaru fall off the branch and stood up like nothing happened as Kaoru ignored that... How the heck... Meh... These twins are just as confusing as an unknown and complicated maze that you can never get out of.. I wonder what Noya whispered to Kaoru that day... He seems so pissed about it and wants to kill someone to protect Kaoru.. Somedays you can't understand the new generation of people..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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