Chapter #4: We Meet The Freak Duo

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{Kaoru's POV}  

I woke up around 5:28am and I got up from my bed and walked out my room to wake up Kisaru and Onee-san for breakfast.. (Kisaru & Kaire sleeps in the same room)

"OI!! KISARU!! ONEE-SAN!! GET YER'LAZY ASSES OFF YOUR BEDS AND EAT YA' DORKS!! I yelled through their door.. The woke up with a "GAHHCK!!" and got up from their beds..

{Miruku's/Mom POV}  

"Kaoru is always the one who can wake those two up in the early in the morning.." Souro/Dad said as he sweat dropped "Yea, she's really stubborn when she wakes up, but as soon you give her the space to get comfortable and used, she goes to her normal self.." Isaid..

The two-colored eyes trio came down stairs and entered the kitchen/dining room "Ohayogozaimasu" The three tiredly said "Ohayogozaimasu too kids, eat your breakfast and get ready for school.." I told them as they sat down.. "A-ano, Oka-san (Mom/Mother) is it okay for me Saru to join volleyball again?.." Kaoru asked 'She hardly ever spoke to us!?!? But I guess she had come out off her shell..' I said in my mind and relived that she now spoke.. "Yes, you can, but has the boys team had already accepted you guys?.." I said as I knew these twins never leave each others side in sports.. "Yea.." The twin answered.. "We already have a practice match with the new comers.." Kisaru spoke "Oh, okay, we wish you good luck twins.." Souro said as both of them nodded..

{Kaoru's POV}

After we were eating, we started to get ready for school, I took a bath and brushed my teeth, I got to my uniform and changed, then I picked up my bag as Rao flew to my shoulder, I rushed to the kitchen to get the bento that our chef made for us, but Kisaru beat me to it... "Here.." Kisaru handed me my lunch..

We said our goodbyes to our parents and waited for Tachiru-san (again..)... As we got to our ride and drove to Karasuno.. As we stepped out of the car, we were called by a very familiar voice.. "Hey! Kaoru-chan! Kisaru-kun!" Sugawara-san called us "Hey" "Yo" Were the responses "You guys already know about the match right?" Sugawara-san asked us "Yes we do, why?" Kisaru answered "Well now it's a 4 on 4, not a 3 on 3.." Sugawara-san informed us "Okay, but is it after classes right?" I asked "Yup it is, but as you know, they might be familiar or should be familiar since I think you saw them outside the gym.. I think.." Sugawara-san said ending it with his famous angelic smile (trust me that  literally melts my heart.. TwT) "Okay, we should go to our class now.. Bye Sugawara-san.." Kisaru said as we waved goodbye  "Yeah you're right, I should get going to my class too.. Bye guys! See ya' later at the gym!!" Sugawara-san exclaimed as he walked away to another direction.. 

{Time skip to where the twins are walking to the clubhouse}  

{Kisaru's POV} 

We were walking to the clubhouse as we both heard rushing footsteps towards us and as we looked behind us were two boys racing to he gym, they both ran pass us and also leaving a trail of dust cloud behind... "Well they were a bit in a rush.." I said as Kaoru-nii snorted knowing I intended a pun.. "Wonder why they were running?" Kaoru-nii said..

As we got to the clubhouse we were both greeted by a white polo shirt flying and slamming on Kao-Kao's face, and me, who's practically shocked and nervous at the same time, because Kaoru might throw it off the balcony as Kaoru spoke up "Who fucking threw this?.." Kaoru-nii said dark aurra emitting from her as she took the polo off her face and yeeting it behind her letting it fall off the balcony 'Did I just literally predicted that she was gonna yeet the polo shirt away? Just how predictable she is?..' I asked my thoughts as I sweat dropped "Oi! That just flew on your face because I was flailing it around ya' know!!" Tanaka-san yelled "Get that!" He added "Nope.. You get it.." Kaoru said, as I know the she's on her salty side and tsundere side (I don't think she's the only tsundere here Kisaru..) "Geh!? Geez.. Fine, I'll get it.. You salty ass bitch.. "Tanaka-san said mumbling the last sentence he said.."There is somebody more saltier than me, ya' crapass.." Kaoru said, as Tanaka-san flinched as she heard what he said.. "Ohh~ Tanaka just got burned buy a first year~.." Ennoshita-san said making the said person embarrassed "Yeah, yeah, whatever.." Kaoru-nii said taking her polo off "Whoa! You're gonna change here and not in the girls locker room Kao-chan?" Tanaka-san said looking to my twin who is only in her sports bra.. "Yeah.. So?" Kaoru snapped back "Ehehe, Tanaka-san, you should just let her be, she's really used to it since in middle school she used to change in the boys clubhouse..Both volleyball and basketball team.. So she doesn't care where she changes..." I said as the others shrugged it off..

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