Chapter #8:Nishinoya? As in The Nishinoya of Chidoriyama!?

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{In the gym}  

{Kageyama's POV} 

I was getting to serve as I saw the twins enter, "Oh, Hey, Kageyama!" Kisaru greeted me as I nodded, I saw them put their bags down and took off their jackets.. I was getting ready as I breathed in and out, I tossed the ball up and jumped up and hit it, 'That's perfectly gonna hit it..' I thought in my mind as the dumbass decided to barge in and tried to receive the ball ended up hitting a home run..

"Did I get it?" Hinata said, "That was a home run, you moron!" I screamed as Hinata walked off to get the ball.. I got another ball as I noticed the twins were talking about something while passing the ball to each other, but I didn't care and focused on my attention on my serve. I tossed the ball up and jumped up and hit it once more, 'That felt good..' I said in my mind..

{Kaoru's POV}  

Me and Kisaru were passing the ball to each other as Kageyamachi made a serve, I saw the serve was going to definitely hit the bottle, someone got in the gym and received Kageyamachi's serve so perfectly.. "That was a perfect receive.." I whispered and Kisaru nodded since we stopped passing to each other to take a break.. "H-He's shorter than me!" Hintachi said making the guy with his slight of his front hair bleached pissed, "HAH!?" He said..

"Wha-what's your height..?" Hinatachi asked him, "I'm 159 cm!" He said with his thumb pointing to him, "I bet in Hinata's mind that he's shocked to know that he's in the fifty's.." Kisaru said as I nodded as we see the commotion happen as the others started to come in.. "Ah! Noya-san!" Tanaka-san said, "Ryu!" The so called Noya-san said, "You guys might not know him.. He's Nishinoya, a second year.." Daichi-san said as something implanted in my mind about that name..

"You the guy with the squinty eyes, your serve was awesome! What middle school did you come from?" Nishinoya-san asked Kageyamachi, "Kitagawa Daiichi" He replied, "Eh? No wonder why your serve was intense!" He said, "You probably don't know them Nishinoya, but this is Hinata and Kageyama, they're the newest members here and they're first years also.." Daichi-san explained as I noticed that Sugawara-san was behind us and started to push us towards the group, "And these are our twin players.. Akenshi Kaoru and Akenshi Kisaru.." Daichi-san added as we were standing in front of him, "Woah... They are sure tall..." Nishinoya-san said as his eyes were wide as he looked us at us up and down, until he noticed something about me, "Wait, that's a she.. Why is she playing with us?" He asked looking at the third years, "She plays here due to some things that needed to be dealt with, plus, she was the first one to join us.. Rather than the other schools having female players in their team as well.." Sugawara-san said as I nodded and looked at Kisaru as he looked at me back and nodded to each other..

"E-excuse us.. But Nishinoya-senpai.. Did you go to Chidoriyama Junior High?" Me and Kisaru asked in sync as he was surprised to hear that from us.. "U-Uh, Yea I do.. And I will treat you ice cream for later got it.." He said as we shrugged it off as for him taking that as a yes, "And how did you know I was from Chidoriyama at first?" He asked us as I smirked, "Remember the time where Chidoriyama went against Teiko Middle School? Remember the four females who destroyed your team? I was a part of them.. Shorty.." I said as I walked to the ball bin and picked a ball up, "W-wait.. Your... YOUR ONE OF THE FOUR FEMALE ELITES?!" Nishinoya-san said as he got in my way since I was starting to serve, "Yes.. I had the title of The Demon Angel, with my twin as well having that nickname.." I said as I started to serve, I threw up the ball as I did one of the serves I did in middle school, 'Why and when did she decided to throw one of those serves?!' I heard Kisaru said in his mind..

As I threw one of those serves, Nishinoya-san decided to budge in and tried "KEY-WORD: Tried" to receive my serve but, once the ball came in contact with his arms, since the impact was too hard it made him fall back and got wide eyed but all of the sudden smirked, 'Why is he smirking?' Me and Kisaru said in our brains until Nishinoya-san said something, "Your serves hadn't changed since your middle school days.." He said as he walked close to me, and grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me down to his short height aggressively and whispered in my ears, "And don't go acting around that you used to never have an ex, because Kaire-san has told me everything bout' you and Lucas's unusual relationship.." He whispered with a hint of slight anger in his voice as he let me go..

"Somehow, someway.. You are the only female that Noya-san has ever pulled down aggressively.." Tanaka-san and Ennoshita-san told me as I shrugged it off and walked to the ball bin and got another ball as I did my serves again.. But after 7 serves, the bell rang indicating that class is up..

{After classes}

{Kisaru's POV} 

It was normal for my twin to act up sometimes, but she never acts up to a past rival.. But let's get to the point..

Me and Kaoru was walking to the gym, but as we were walking to the gym two familiar voiced people jumped on us,

"KAORU! KISARU! TAKE US TO THE GYM!" Hinata and Nishinoya-san said as they clung onto our backs as both of us looked at each other and smiled as we nodded and held the person our back(as I was meaning with the "held" is the twins are holding them on their under thighs.. And again.. They don't give a shit about it..) and ran to the gym..

As we got to the gym, I was panting as Kaoru wasn't even panting or even showing signs of tiredness, typical Kaoru.. "Why are you twins both sweaty? Practice hasn't even started yet.." Sugawara-san said with one of his eyebrow raised, "Ask the two shrimps over there.." Kaoru said stretching her arm.. But as soon as Sugawara-san looked at the two, he just shook his head and chuckled and walked back in the gym..

{Time skip to a few minutes before they met coach Ukai..} 

"Hahh.." I sighed as I was done drinking my water, "What's the matter?" Kaoru asked me, "Nothing.. Practice was just a little too difficult today.." I said as I swiped the sweat off my forehead, "I see.. I could say the same, but.. I fell like it's still the same after all those odd past years we had.. Just.. without the Elites.." She said as her eyebrows knitted in frustration as I smiled small, "I know.. Well.. Now that we have new teammates and we have discovered new freakish teammates, I could say it's pretty different.." I said as we both looked up to see our new teammates playing..

"You're right.. It is different.. Different because, we both learned that some people can catch up to our strength.." Kaoru said as she stared at the team with her eyes shining unlike the ones the were dull and dead looking.. "Un.." I said as I nodded..

"Ok everyone!" Takeda-sensei said as we looked to the door, "Meet your new Coach!"



I know I haven't been updating, but blame my school and shit but I just finished this after my exams.. And usually I was planning to make a Bungo Stray Dogs x reader, but I have to make the character first and a few more crap to create the story.. So yea.. Who is this Lucas you say? You'll know in the future chaps..


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