To homewreck or not to homewreck, that is the question

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I feel generous. Here's another chappy :D


"Hot damn."

        To say that this place was big was an understatement. It was full on modern European style and it made even MY gaydar go off. Casey beat the wheel and squealed as he saw some really, and boy do I mean really, hot guys enter the place.

"This is where we'll be staying? If I'm in heaven..." He whistled and parked the car along the circle driveway thingy that ritch people have. I stepped out, still amazed. There must have been a hundred stories, easy and thrice that many windows.

"Come help me, kid!" I say and open the trunk. At the sound of my voice, several people turned to look. They smiled but had an awkward look in there eyes. Maybe it's because I looked like I was fresh out of Wal-Mart. Which I was. I wore ripped jeans and a shirt I use to paint. That's right, people, I'm cultured. "What?" I snap, "I just drove five hours. You CANNOT expect me to look like a million bucks."

        Some laughed, but some just shot annoyed glances. Suddenly, all the bags I had in my hands were taken into somebody else's.

"I got you." It was just Derek. Perfect timing.

"Good." I titter, "You can take these too," I dump the rest of the bags on the ground. He smiles at me cruelly but takes them with the help of Harry, who Casey was glad had come to the rescue.

"You made it, that's good. Maybe you'll be less of a wierdo now." He chuckles as we walk up the stone stairs and a super, super buff man who I think is probably their werewolf-vampire-super-butler, smiles down at me with what I think is the warmest welcome I've recieved so far.

"Lord Nahodath will be pleased with your arrival, Domnisoara Charlotte." He bows his head nobly and hands me a key. "His darkness asks me to give this to you personally and that you be escorted to your rooms to assituate for the big dinner this evening." He winks, "Or breakfast, will it be." I peer into his gold eyes and skim his dark face. I decide that he is most likely the funniest person I've met. I'll have to keep in touch with him.

"Yeah, tell his 'darkness' that I hope he serves something good and not crappy. I'm not about to stay at some five star place with only two star food." I laugh and so does he.

"Could...we....move...this....along?" Derek struggles to hold up two measly bags.

The butler flicks his fingers and they begin to float. "Have a nice night, Domnisoara Charlotte."

"You too, bodybuilder/vampire/wherewolf/doorman guy." I pretend to shoot a gun at him.

He smiles and nods his head gracefully, “I am a vampire, my lady.”

        I nod, my suspicions cured and then I follow Derek inside. It's even more grand than I thought. Ritch vampire scattered the place, drinking expesive wine and blood. I breath in, blood. It was a bloodbath and all the warm flavors melted in my tongue so lovely it was like I was tasting them myself, the sent was so strong and yet so weak and there.

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