You're a sexy creep :)

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Well, depsite all the setbacks, I'm feeling much better. Emotionally and shit.

I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THE NEXT CHAPPY! Don't be too discouraged by the end.


Emily :)


"What the hell happened? What did you do to her? I swear to God that if you touched her...I WILL kill you." It was Casey's steady voice.

Everything was hurting. My head felt like I had been talking to a million Wilma's. I tried to sit my head up, but everything spun. Something was put to my lips. Blood. I sipped some and felt my cabeza clear. I sit up, staring at everyone. Nahodath was yelling at Ridge. Isobel was sitting, knitting something with a imperial face. Casey was yelling at Ridge, too. Although, I wouldn't call it yelling. He was trying to kill him. And by the looks of the scratches on Ridge's face, he already had a hold of him. Harry was attempting to hold him back. Jeanette was giving me real blood. Derek was trying to get ahold of himself, wanting it so much. Exavier was helping him, calming him down.

"Guys....?" I call out weakly, falling back into unconsiousnous.

I was in a field. It was beautiful. Blood red violets scattered the ground. It all seemed sureal. I touch one, the breeze floating over my skin and under the virgin white dress I wore. Was I dead? "No, stupid, you can't be dead! You already are. Goddamn, have you forgotton this shortly? I expected it to be sooner." A wicked voice rang through my mind. I smiled to it. It sounded like something I would say. "It is you, dumbass." I frowned. Am I really that rude? "Yes." That answers that, I guess. "Always with the guessing..." I snap to myself.

I could smell someone. Like a bonfire. Husky and drool worthy, Ridge stepped out of the woods surounding us. I growl, my fangs slipping out. "You....." I hiss.

Ridge smiled and sped foward, his hand around the back of my neck. Caressing me. "Nahodath may have your body and your heart...but I have your mind and your soul and that...that is far better, don't you agree?"

I push him away, with a snarl, "Your desgusting. Stay away from me and my family." I winced at what I just said. Is that what I thought?

He cackles, shoving me. "Is that what you think?" His eyes flare, making the scene around us grow dark and the flowers wilt. "That they are your family? You are sorrowly mistaken, Charlotte. They don't give a damn about you. If Nahodath wasn't your sire, do you really think he would really give you a second glance?" He laughs in my face, the area suddenly on fire. Smelling like him. "Your nothing to them. Nothing. Just a girl...a girl who works at Wal-Mart."

I deck him and then spit in his face, he howls in pain. "I quit, actually."

I jolted awake, breathless. My nose burned with the smell of fire. "Man, either I've been smoking too much weed or I seriously need to find a therapist." I say, rubbing my head. I was in my room, and it was just sunset.

"Maybe a little bit of both." Casey was in the corner of the room, reading Seventeen Magazine and his eyes were bloodshot. "Care to tell me why the hell you fainted?"

I gasp and stand, tugging on some grey sweatpants and a white sweater. "I need to see Isobel. NOW." Casey stands and shakes his head.

"Babe, you need to rest. Nahodath is worried about you. And I am, too. Your a vampire, Charlotte, you don't faint!" He says, his voice raising.

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