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I missed all of you! Enjoy the next part and don't forget to comment!!!



"CHARLOTTE! Charlotte!" I hear Jenny shrieking down the hall, ruining this blessed family moment, "James! Charlotte! Oh, good, there you are." She starts babbling and then, Ridge, calmly and quietly gets up and slaps her.

"Now tell us what the hell is going on."

"Why don't you go and find gramma." I tell Kyle and he gets up, running out of the room.

"Love you, mommy!" He says.

"I love you too, Kyle."

        I tune out as I watch James and Jenny talking urgently. Only when they turn to me and their faces are grave and serious do I realize it's important.

"What?" I ask, dumbly.

"I smelled something weird on Kyle and I've only smelled it once." Jenny says numbly, "He's...He's only part vampire."

"But...But I turned him!" I protest, stammering. What the hell is this?

"His father isn't Derek, Charlotte. The reason why she died isn't because she was too weak." Ridge explained. "The reason why she died is because..." He sighed and turned away, visibally upset.

I snort, "Can't be that bad. I still love the kid."

"He's part wherewolf! And the werewolf is a vampire hunter, Charlotte!" Jenny shouts.

I am unfeeling. "That's...impossible, isn't it? I turned him! I don't smell anything weird about him."

Ridge takes my hands, "Theres more...we think that she might have been against us. Against Isobel and against Valadia." He names the Rebel Leader.

I smirk, "We killed Isobel and took over the vamps. I think we can take a measly vampire hunter, Ridge."

He turns even more deathly pale, and his ruby red eyes scare me as he grips my shoulders, "No. Vampire hunters never, EVER act alone. We are in danger. You are in danger, Charlotte." He says, his voice shaking.

I was terrified. I don't want anything to happen to my unborn daughter or Kyle. "So what do we do?"

"We wait while Harry is out gathering information in the UnderWorld." He says.

"UnderWorld? What the hell?" I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

James smirks lightly, obviously he couldn't help it, either, "Yeah, for demons, wherewolves, and such. Its like the underground railroad."

I sigh nervously, "When will Harry be back?"

"In about a week. Casey's torn about it." Jenny says, running her hands through her messy hair.

"I feel sick." I say and run to the bathroom to hurl. This is a disaster.


        I couldn't speak. I sat there and watched Kyle comfort Casey. He was sitting on his bed, (because new borns don't necessarily sleep and because he was married), and was sobbing relentlessly. Kyle patteed Casey's head and was cooing to him so softly, I couldn't hear him but I guess Casey could because he looked up and smiled brightly at the kid.

        This kid was a wherewolf? I smelled the air heavily as I watched them. Well, I guess you could say he smelled a little off, but I've only met a couple wherewolves and I was only in there presence, never spoken to them and vampires covered the sense.

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