Who works at wal-mart? Oh, yeah....me.

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Hey babies! I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything lately! (For what seems like months! D:)

Refelction time! :

I've been recently going through a hard time. What with a break up and all....which was almost two months ago, but still hurts.

I also took some pills I probably shouldn't have. Then, I realized I don't want to die. I have a passion. Many, actually. And I realized that I have to stay alive to see the beautiful things I deserve to. I also realized that I deserve more than the boy who broke my heart and who broke me.

Don't mind my rant. Just know I'm back and I love all of you guys!

Comment, tell me how I can improve, your thoughts on Charlotte and Nahodath :) I know you all just LOVE him! lol, READ ON MY CHILDREN!!!


I woke up, everything was fuzzy and my head hurt like hell. Disorted visions play out in my head only to make me more confused as I see that I’m sitting on a plane, in the very front seat to be exact, sitting next to the man my fiance hates, and wearing a straight jacket. I squirm a little, and turn my head to look at the other passengers. A mother gives me a glare and pulls her child closer to her.

“Monster...” She growls in Romanian.

My head starts to pound with irritation. I hack a loogie in her direction, “Shove it!”

        She stands, ready to fight and I begin to thrash, trying to tear the fabric. Suddenly, arms come out around me, “Hey! You, sit down! Charlotte, quit trying to kill the passengers! I thought by now the drugs had worn off.” He says, scooching away from me. I stop thrashing and turn my face to him. He’s ravashing, really. I then swiftly bring down my head upon him in a justified headbutt.

“Ow! What the hell, Charlotte?!” He bellows.

I smile at him, smug, “That’s what you get for drugging and kidnapping me, you bastard.”

“Drugging you?” He motions for the stewardess to give him an icepack with a wave of his hand and a flash of his eyes. Just like I do. “No, Derek drugged you.”

“That ass...” I growl,  “I’m sorry.” I tell Ridge, and then...I headbutt him again.


“That’s for kidnapping me.”

“I didn’t kidnapp you, you came willingly. And besides, we have some things to descuss.” He glares at me and takes the ice pack from the hypnotized stewardess. “Like about me being your sire...”

“I don’t really care about that right now. What I do care about is the fact we’re on a plane and I can hardly remember how I got on here.” I look around franticly, trying to find an exit.

“We’re on a plane, because if we weren’t Nahodath would find you in an instant.”

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