Forget Me Not

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I think you guys will really love this one.

To all who read this, I don't care who, I really, really need you to comment and give me some critisism. It's much appreciated. I plan to publish this soon. It's already done, I'm just testing the waters with actual people. I have a more serious project comming up. I'm working on a historical fiction of the lost colony, Roanoke. It should be fun. I'm already off to a great start.

Comment, and enjoy!


The plan was set and I was not ready at all. I tugged on my cream colored bridesmaids dress. It hugged at my figure, but underneath, I had on a white tank top and some jean shorts. The dress was long enough, and flowy enough to hide the giant wooden stake attatched to my left leg and the two, twin shot guns with silver bullets attatched to my right AND extra gun magazines in my bra.

My hair was light and cascading down my back. My makeup was light brown, mostly, with some dark red lipstick. I wore sneakers underneath my floor length dress, thank god. Fighting in heels? No thank you, sir.

Casey was waiting in the same room with me as many other vampires fussed over him. Derek was with me, Isobel was the one who was going to say the prayers outside Dracula's palace, in the highly decorated wedding scene [with too many tourists, mind you], and Nahodath was with Harry, waiting for us. The wedding was held at night and it was a full moon. I shook with fear as I took Casey's elbow and we began to walk out upon the song that was playing. I, thank goodness, was able to smell Ridge and Jenny, along with there gigantic army from here.

The crowd was filled with a mixture of dangerous vampires and stupidly grinning humans along with paparatzi. I am so scared I could cry. If anything goes wrong tonight....we could all be torn to shreds. It all has to be times right. I hope the plan goes well.

Casey gave me a reasurring smile as I handed his hand to Harry. I tried to give him one back, but failed. As I stood across from Nahodath but behind Casey, I fiddled with my guns under my dress. I paid close attention to the crowd like Ridge told me to. I was supposed to look for some guy with one blue eye and one brown [from Exavier's intel], and that guy was suppose to- I stood still. There he was. He got up in the way back and was making his way over there. So did many others. I turned to Isobel, who was speaking, but kept her eyes on the men the whole time.

It was now or never. It was like it was in slow motion, I pull out my gun and pull the tigger, only hitting her arm. She howled out in pain. I could barely remember anything, later on. All I know is, is that Casey shoved Harry as he pulled out his mini-swords, decked in silver, slitting some vampire's throat who was comming to Isobel's side. It was like in a cool ass action movie. Ridge's army jumped over Dracula's house, protecting the humans who were all screaming and running. Dammnit, why didn't they just stay still?

Isobel glared at me as he ripped out her two knives. But, they weren't knives, they were silver stakes with handles that were clear, holding Holy Water in them. I tore my dress down the side and got out my other gun, pointing it at her as we paced eachother in the madness. Her arm was half off and I could see by the sweat in her face that it hurt like hell. Hopefully, I never know that pain.

"You bitch," She spat, "I knew you were bad for this family the second I saw you!"

I smirk, "Mother knows best, right?" I lunged, decking her in the face with thte hilt of my gun. She spat out blood, trembling weakly. I was alot faster and stronger than I thought I would be.

"Your worthless, you know that? You belong with that rebel scum." She growls. I had enough. I was just playing games. She needs to die. That was the plan. I decide to turn off all of my emotions. I know she isn't stronger than me. I know it. She's a horrible person.

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