Blood Bath

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Hey Babies! Here is a SUPER long chappy.

I have over 200 reads! Thank you all so much! I really, REALLY encourage you to FAN and COMMENT!!!

Have a lovely read!




I yelled at five people on my way back home. I punched one man in the face for trying to help me with my bags as I struggled up the stairs to my apartment. I also screamed at my neighboor who doesn't normally bother me, but took the time to stare at me as I shoved my bags through the door. All at the same time. I then proceeded to mix rum with Type O and then settle lazily in my coffin, watching none other than Twilight.

        This was a bullcrap time. What made me think that I could actually pull off being a vampire? A classy one, at that? Nothing. Nothing at all. And I left my mom, too. I sighed, as the phone began to ring. Of course she would pick this moment to call me. Right when I was thinking of her. My mom has always been one for fate.

"Hello?" I slur.

"Charlotte..." She didn't sound angry. She sounded tired, weary. "I'm okay. In case you were wondering. I'm going to stay with Casey for the wedding. Charlotte....I think you should come back. Their great people and you could have a beautiful future here with them. With Nahodath."

I take a swig out of my cup and give her a groan, "I'll come back when I'm damn well ready. And I'm not. When is the wedding?"

"In three months."

"Okay. Maybe." I say. "I have to go. I'm going to work in the morning."

"Where?" She asks, suprised.

"Where do you think, Mom?" I snap, "Bye." And then I hang up and promptly fall asleep.


        Its been about two and a half months. I haven't spoken to my mom or Casey. Niehter Nahodath or anybody else from that phychward. Their all a bunch of crazies and with the information I know, I am NEVER going back there. My life at Wal-Mart has been hell. Patsy blackmails me every chance she gets with the video feed of what happened last time with Nahodath, and holds it against me. Although, I would probably do the same thing. And well...great minds think alike.

        I just got home from Wal-Mart, and its about eleven. I notice something's off. A familiar sent tickles my nose. I open my door, ready to pounce, but stop when I see Frankie, Jenny and Ridge. They grin at me. I haven't heard from them in nearly three months.

"You are a hard woman to find, Charlotte." Ridge says, giving me a warm smile and speaking in Romanian. I'm suprised I still remember that language.

"I bet." I growl, "What are you three doing here? I'm not about this life anymore."

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