Dinner for three.

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I went home relieved to be there and not having to worry about a thing in the world. But that was because I forgot what I had to do, I was soon reminded. As soon as I walked into the front door I knew something was up. Mr. Short had a mysterious smile on his face, but before I could back the hell out of there Jordan had a firm grip on my arm. He pulled me into my room shutting the door and pushing me into a near by chair. "We don't have a lot of time" he growled and he began doing my hair and make up. Me being the tom boy had no clue what he was doing. My hair was pinned up and the lipstick he put on me made my lips look plump, the mascara made my brown eyes look lighter. After he got my hair and make up done he threw the dress at me and fled the room. I looked after him wondering if I could escape, but decided against it. Slowly I tugged on the dark blue dress that Cody picked for me. It was long and elegant something a true lady would wear, I was thankful for that. All in all I guess I didn't look bad but changing from no make up to make up and doing nothing to my hair to pinning it and spraying it with junk and now having to wear a dress instead of my pants and shirt was just plain odd. I also had heels that were very short, Cody was being kind on this date. Aw kwardly I walked out of my room feeling over dressed. Mr. Short and Jordan had their fun whistling and laughing. I had to comply to their demands and twirl when they wanted me to. Then the doorbell rang. I opened the door with a smile I was in a rather odd good mood being with these two jokesters. Cody of course ruined it because as soon as I opened the door I saw a grim faced Cody. His sour face soaked all the life out of me and my radiant smile turned into a frown. "What's Wrong?" I had to ask even though on a normal day I wouldn't have cared. He gave me a smile and a once over. "You'll see" he mumbled to distracted to compliment me but at least he opened the passenger door for me. We drove to the restaurant in silence and I wondered what sort of fancy place it was seeing us both dressed to our best. When the car stopped again Cody got out walked around and opened my door. He sulked into the restaurant almost as if someone was holding him at gun point. He didn't ask for a table he just walked in as if somebody was already there waiting for them. I stared at the back of Cody's groomed head and thought of how stupid he was he wore black dress pants and a black coat while he wore a white dress shirt making sure we didn't match.

Cody stopped at a table and at first I thought he was mistaken because another man was there but then I realized who that man or should I say boy was. "Arthur what are you doing here?" I asked in a rather hushed voice seeing as this place was full to the brim with important looking people. "It's a business meeting Amber of course I'm here" He laughed giving me a smile and the smile from earlier again appeared onto my lips. It did look like a date though but to the wrong man. Arthur was dressed up exactly like Cody but he had a blue shirt on one that matched my dress. He was also sporting ruffled hair that made him look more dangerous and more appealing, of course if asked I would never admit it. This restaurant was grand huge in fact. The noise level was loud all of the high class people believing they should be the one most heard. The tables surrounded a smooth wooden floor and music played in the background a soothing melody. "You look nice today" Arthur said standing up and pulling out my chair for me I thanked him for both complimenting me and pulling out my chair. A quick glance to Cody and I can see he was mentally hitting himself for forgetting to compliment me and to pull the chair out. "So what is this all about boys" I asked seated and staring at the two. It was weird having two guys with you and they were such opposites. That being Cody was an open book who I felt nothing for and Arthur being a mystery and my feelings for him well he just intrigues me. The waiter then came smiling at me and being flirtatious. "Hanging with your brothers" He joked and I laughed along to irritate these boys. When he finally left with our orders Cody looked relieved while Arthur who knew of my intentions all along glared at me. "We have a job" Cody announced to get my attention back onto him. "Yes I heard would someone please explain?" I said annoyed of course there was a job why the hell did he think I agreed to come out with him. There no way he believed his own charm got me, not to be a downer but there really was no charm. "It involves all the top dogs" Arthur said and winked at me. I knew he did that to tell me he got my plan in motion. After hearing that I really didn't listen to the rest of the conversation if I had any questions I could just ask Arthur later. Arthur smiled towards me constantly during the whole meal while Cody tried to get my attention. It was hell but I couldn't complain. I always wanted to be a spy after I read the Alex Rider series but I never imagined it could be so boring. "Want to dance?" Arthur asked and I arched my eye brows to make sure he was talking to me. He gave me a smile and he looked like he was waiting for an answer. "I guess" I grumbled I didn't know how to dance though. Arthur stood and waited for me. He then pulled me out onto the dance floor. He began to lead but unlike in books and movies he did not glide me along, nope instead he seemed just as confused as I was and as we continue to dance(if you can call it that) I began to realize that Arthur was a worse dancer than I. "Isn't one of us suppose to know how to dance and teach the other" I asked laughing. Even though we couldn't compete with the other dancers I bet they weren't having nearly as much fun as us. Our dance turned into a quest for dominance each using our full strength to direct the dance, it was a little game whoever won was stronger, of course I don't think Arthur knows about the game I just think he's to damn stubborn to let me lead. When the song finally ended we headed back to the table with our bill paid and Cody gone. "You pissed him off" Arthur said smirking and I glared at him. Of course he blamed the whole thing on me it wasn't that this guy came to our date or that he asked me to go dance. "Whatever Arthur did you drive here?" I asked him not wanting to walk home in this dress. "Yea did you?" He asked like he truly was curious. "No" I growled through bared teeth, he of course knew my answer though. I just wanted to know what he was up to. "That sucks how you getting home?" He asked like he truly was concern. I truly wanted to punch his lights out. "What do you want in exchange for a ride home?" I grumbled not wanting to hear his answer. "A kiss" He whispered. He saw the frown on my face but I saw no other option. "Fine" I whispered hoping no one heard me consent to a kiss from him. I closed my eyes and fives seconds later reopened them to see Arthur leaning forward with his eyes closed. Quickly I reached into his pockets and pulled out his keys I then began to run and his eyes flickered open and he caught on. So the chase began and it must have looked rather odd seeing two people looking so good together running after and away from each other. On my part I was screaming how he was trying to hurt me and he was screaming at me to shut up. Thankfully in that restaraunt there were a few nice men who decided to come to my aid. They blocked Arthur from following me and I continued my running making my way out of the restaraunt in record time. If Arthur wanted to he could take down those guys in a matter of seconds and be on tail in another few seconds so I had to make every second count. Luckily I found the car easily I had no trouble getting in or starting it and when I was on the road I knew I was home free. The drive was quiet and I knew when I got home I was going to have to find a way to protect myself from Arthur.

Arthur's POV

That little brat we were having a lovely time at least that was what I believed. But no she had to be difficult. Running away while our lips were just inches apart, I wonder if kissing me is so bad or if she's afraid she'll fall under my spell. The guys that went to her aid soon regretted it as I showed them who was boss but of course Alexis would know I would be swift so she was swifter. She had a knack to get on my nerves and I wonder sometimes why I even put up with her. But being with her makes me feel different not to mention that I just love the way she acts. Leaving me in the dark on the road though in such nice clothing was a little low even for her. Now I had to run all the way home, she could do it as easily as me. If I just let her ride with me in the beginning I wouldn't be here. She was so paying when I got home.

Alexis's POV

Click, the noise was soft but it still woke me from my slumber. My mind at the moment could not comprehend what it was. Then without anymore warning ice cold water was thrown onto me and finally my mind began to work. "Arthur!" I yelled tackling him to the ground. He laughed the whole time, he obviously couldn't get enough of my shocked face. Laughing though was a disadvantage to him as it disable him to fight me. He didn't seem to mind though because through each gasp of breath he'd say a word that completed this sentence "You should have seen the look on your face" his words came out in gasps and some of them I couldn't quite catch but after he finished his sentence all I could think was 'You should see the look on your face' then I kneed him right in between the legs and I think that settled matters for tonight.

Kidnapped then rescued, Now they want me to be a spy.Where stories live. Discover now