The Game

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I entered the house sighing. "Hey Amber, did you like Arthur?" Jordan asked. My eyes widen and then I glared at Jordan and Mr. Short they both knew I was with Arthur. Those jerks left me with that creep. "What you didn't like him?" Mr. Short asked taking in my glare. Shaking my head and looking at him like he was stupid I growled "Of course I didn't like him" A small smile played on Jordan's lips, he was trying to hide it though. "Figures" Mr. Short said. My face dropped. What were they talking about, why was I out of the loop? "That's Mr. Short's son" Jordan said. I nodded in understanding. Of course that why. Nodding my head I said "Ah I see, no wonder I didn't like him. Also why is there a guy in our loop that I don't know about?"  I asked. Mr. Short acted like he was offended from me not liking Arthur. "So, we have a job tonight" Jordan said changing the subject. I sort of heard him while I went into the kitchen to stuff my face. Hitting your head and sleeping really makes you hungry. "Yea I remember him saying something along those lines" I said.

"Yea well we have to collect some money for him, I'll be the brains you the muscle?" Jordan asked. I came back smiling, he knew me so well. "We might want to do it the other way, I like being the muscle but it would be easier to be the brains" I said while sitting in  a chair and leaning back in it. Mr. Short and Jordan looked at me in shock. "When did you take the easier way?" Jordan said acting as if the world was going to end. I frowned. Why was I so hard headed? "Well I want to be the muscle it's just that the people will take longer to believe that I am seriously the tough guy" I stated because it was obvious no one would believe me.

"When has that ever held you back?" Asked Mr. Short. I shook my head at them and gave them my best smile. Then while flexing my muscles and looking at them I said "Well I guess I am the muscle" I then flexed my muscles to show everyone. Jordan rolled his eyes, but inside we both knew I was stronger and then he gave me his smirk the one he always gives me when he's about to order me to do something. "Now Amber go take a shower and get into something that says you are all business" he was using a tone that was slow and every word was drawn out to it's full extent. It annoyed me even more that he said Amber. I know that's my name on this mission but it's still weird to me to be called a different name. Because really when your born it's all that really belongs to you and will always belong to you. So it kind of feels like I lost everything when I don't hear my name. "Fine boss" I mumbled walking to the shower. Glad he reminded me because now I could feel the dried blood on my head.

cleanliness came upon me when I enter the hot shower. It seemed all my worries went away with the steam. The dry blood fell off my face, making the tub red. Then the water washed it all away including my worries. There was still a slight throb in my head and it only got worse when I tried to think of anything logical. So I slipped off into my own little world. That was until there was a loud bang on the bathroom door. "Come on you can't arrive to the meeting naked and wet" Jordan yelled. I groan but I understood that I needed to start and get ready. Reluctantly I stopped the shower, the steam was still enough to keep me warm until I opened the curtain. A flood of cold air embraced me. I couldn't have grabbed a towel quicker than I did just than. "Jordan, you know what would be fun?" I yelled to him as I got dressed and ready. Jordan and I have been known around campus for making everything a game even life and death situations, for us it was all about the fun and the winning. "No I don't know what would  be fun" He said waiting for me to tell him. I took forever to answer because I had to finish getting ready and I didn't want Mr. Short to hear, because out of everyone who disapproved our games, Mr. Short was at the top. I opened the door looked both ways saw Jordan leaning against his bedroom door in his bad boy out fit. Which wasn't very bad ass seeing as he was only wearing jeans with a grey shirt and a black hoodie. But if they knew what was under the hoodie they'd think him really B.A.. My guess is that he was wearing a gun like me, also he probably had a knife and who knows what else he packed. "Let's make this into a game" when those words flew out of my mouth quick and quietly, Jordan came to attention. Listening intensely." Okay so here's how it's going to go, if they don't just give us the money, whoever scares them enough to make them give up the money wins." Jordan smiled while I told him about the game. "Well what are we waiting for?" he asked, walking to the door, I followed. We hoped into Cody's car that he borrowed us for this mission, since and I quote "Our car wasn't cool enough to sell drugs in" I didn't know a car had to be "cool" to sell drugs in it but apparently it did. Mostly I was mad because this car was more of a get away car than anything, I can't believe Cody doesn't believe that if we had to we could out run these thugs. We were out of the small city in no time and we headed to this old bridge which was made out of stone. I believe Cody sucks at this whole drug dealing business, because really who needs a fancy car, and who sends two people to the middle of no where at night by a river. Probably trying to freeze our asses off. "Stupid Cody" I mumbled. Jordan was already getting into a place where any person could see him and I was suppose to be hiding. So I went into the shadow of the trees. I couldn't see the car but I saw the flash of head lights, Heard the squeal of the car as it tried to stop suddenly at a fast speed and then all was silent, car doors opened and slam shut the next second. Heavy footsteps followed after that. Finally the two thugs came into my sight. "Cody's getting too cocky if he thinks that one teenager can handle us" one of the thugs said. Jordan wasn't going to let them take time out of his day so they could talk. "Give me the money" he said through clench teeth. The two men looked at each other both looking like they were planning something. "The deal is you give us the drugs and will give you the money" The same thug said. Jordan sighed and looked at his wrist like he had a watch. "Well I know I don't have all day, do you Amber?" Jordan asked. I stepped out of the woods smiling at the shock on the thugs faces. "Nope Jason it's kind of cold and I wouldn't mind killing them to get the money and head home" I growled.The men seemed scared for only a few seconds than they realized I was a girl. "Two teenagers one a boy and the other a girl, this will be easy" One of the thugs said.

"Two thugs into drugs this will be easy" I yelled to Jordan it was true, and I was annoyed at how they thought they could handle us so easily. They both turned their glares on me which was a mistake, and in this kind of business you don't get to make mistakes. Jordan was upon them in seconds, then they both turned to look at him, their second mistake, now I was behind them and Jordan in front. "For two men who claim to be better than teenager, you sure do make a lot of mistakes" I said to the thugs. They both had wide eyes. "You guys aren't normal" the smaller one said, he was more willing to show his fear than the big one. "We get this way when people don't give us the money" Jordan said with a evil eye. I saw the larger man digging in his pocket for the money and I was not going to let him win. "3... 2"  I started to count down to get the money faster. before I could say one the money was in my hands. Jordan was about to pull out the drugs but I stopped him and pulled out my gun. "Since you gave us a hassle, you don't get your drugs go back to your car and leave or I'll shoot you" I said. They both looked angered by the no drugs prospect but from the choice drugs or life it was easy to choose. They both ran to their car and drove off as fast as they could. "I so won that game" Jordan said. I glared at him not wanting to admit that he did and I just quicken their pace. "But I got them to go quicker and we still have the drugs and money, I did better than you" I bragged to Jordan. There was suddenly loud clapping and Jordan and I both jumped, I pushed him in front of me. "Hey!" he growled knowing that I pushed him in front so he'd have to face the danger. "It's not like bullets were flying so calm down" I laughed. Then I saw who was clapping it was Cody the retard with Arthur trailing behind him like a loyal dog. "What are you two doing here?" Jordan asked which relieved me that he didn't know either. "Just wanted to make sure you guys could handle it" Cody said. After that I wasn't really listening I know Cody and Jordan were talking but Arthur caught my attention and now both of us our glaring at each other and I wasn't going to lose. I'll lose to my friends but to people I hate especially Mr. Short's son, I refuse to lose. "Amber have you fallen for my adopted brother?" Cody asked moving closer to me. He might of asked jokingly but he seem to be giving off the vibe of 'go away' to Arthur. "As if I'd ever fall for a guy like him" He was the guy at campus everyone compared me to. They always said I might be strong but not as strong as him. When I asked who him was they all said It doesn't matter who he is. He won't be back for a long time. Everyone even Jordan believes that Arthur is stronger than me. I wish so badly that we could fight at this moment so I could prove myself, but Mr.Short and Jordan wouldn't want me to. "You know Amber, Arthur is pretty strong, if I was you I wouldn't anger him" My spirits fell when Cody said that. A guy who barely knows me doesn't believe in me, Jordan my closest friend at campus doesn't, everyone in between probably didn't believe in me either. "I'm going home" I said while handing the money to Cody. Jordan was about to walk to the car so I added "I'm walking" Running in the night with the cold air hitting me will only help me think. Arthur watched after me his face revealing nothing. "Ale.. Amber what's wrong?" Jordan asked. But I didn't answer and soon the darkness engulfed me and no one could see me. Relief flooded into me and then I began to run, believing I could go anywhere, even back home. But I knew that I would go back. At least that was what I thought until I saw a bus station, anywhere but here was okay. Not even a few minutes later a voice said. "Where do you think your going?" I jumped and turned towards the voice to see Arthur. Now I know how Mr. Short and Jordan feel when I sneak up on them. It seems Arthur is better at everything. I stood up glaring at him. "Let's fight Arthur, I want to see if you truly are better" He smirked, and I had to hold back my punch. "But Alex I have a better idea" I looked around when he said my name hoping no one was around to hear than when I realized no one was there I also realized that the prize spy wouldn't make such a mistake. "Let's make it a game" I glared at him he was making fun of me wasn't he. "I only play games with Jordan" I said. He smiled again it was a scary smile like a cat who caught a mouse. "But this game is different. This one has risks" I nodded my head to show him I am listening and that he should continue. "Whoever can make the other one kiss them wins" This was a stupid game.

 "I don't play stupid games, why would I want to make you kiss me" I growled having to hold back my disgust. He might be some what hot but he still was as annoying as hell to me."Because if you win, I'll admit to everyone that your better than me every time I'm asked." My smile grew that's all that I wanted. But I still knew there was going to be a penalty for me if I lost. "So if I lose, I do the same?" I asked, what else could he want. "No people already believe I'm better. If you lose your my personal maid for 3 months. Deal?" He asked. It didn't seem like a fun game, or a game I could win. Also the stakes were high, higher than I would like, But then again I've never backed out of a game and who knows if I'm actually stronger than Arthur. This might be the only time to prove I'm better. "Deal" A deal with the devil is never a good idea though.

Kidnapped then rescued, Now they want me to be a spy.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat