Fight fight fight

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When I got home Jordan ran over and hugged believing me to be gone forever. I couldn't talk all I could think about is how stupid I was. Why did I have to sign up for a game I couldn't win I had a better chance at winning a fight and even if I didn't win I'd be known for giving him the fight of his life. But I couldn't compete with a dog let alone a guy. I've never kissed someone I wouldn't know how to win this. Jordan being the best friend that he is sensed my agitation. When we were finally alone he asked me to spill my guts. "Jordan, Arthur followed me and he found my weak spot and then he offered me to play a game that had such appealing rewards. But I can't win Jordan" he waited for me to stop and then he asked for more detail which normally he wouldn't have to do. I explained the game to him, then I told him how much I wanted to be known as better than Arthur and I took on the game with out much thought. But now if I win or lose the game I have to kiss Arthur and I technically will not be better than him. "You fell for something like that?" Jordan said laughing falling on the floor. Just because he was making fun of me I gave him one swift kick into the stomach. We stayed in that position for awhile, him on the floor trying to breath and me standing of him smirking. "You might have gotten the last kick but I get the last laugh" I glared down at him waited for him to gain his composure and then I lifted him up off the floor and I glared at him. "Tell me what you mean or pray to god that you live through my beatings"  he put his hands up in surrender. He gave me a evil look one that told me I wasn't going to like what he was about to say. "Arthur is staying with us for the rest of the mission in this house, Cody ordered him to" My mouth dropped open. He was staying here with us? "Your lying" I accused. He smirked like he knew I was going to say that then the door bell rang. My eyes widen and Jordan started laughing. "If that's Arthur you better not let him in!" I yelled running to the door in all hope that I could stop Mr. Short from letting Arthur in. But it was to late. "It's nice to know that you care for me" Arthur said sarcastically. I glared at him and pulled him to a spot where Mr. Short couldn't hear us. "The game is off!" I yelled at him in a whisper. He smiled and shook his head. "No it's not, if you end the game you get a penalty" I glared at him. Knowing him the penalty would be outrageous. "But it was unfair to make a deal with me then. I couldn't think, I'd rather be known as someone who gave you the fight of your life"  A small smile played on his lips. "How about a deal?" another deal with the devil? this one i'd have to think though. "You get your fight and I get a kiss" I was about to agree but I decided I'd rather think it over instead of rushing into it. "I'll think about it, but for now the game is over"  He nodded like he agreed. "You only get a day to think it though" before I could argue he was already leaving me. Jordan and him started talking. They were both getting along great. Mr. Short then had to come up to me. "They were best friends since day one. Are you jealous?" He asked.  I shook my head no I wasn't it's like seeing your big brother having a friend. "Why would I be jealous, I'm just mad that Jordan thinks Arthur is nice" I let Jordan's name slip because Mr. Short let it slip that they  knew each other since they were young. He smiled and pulled me to him leading me to the kitchen as he talked. "You know Alex what are you going to do when we all head home?" The kitchen was full of food and I couldn't help notice that Jordan and Arthur were already sitting. "I'll probably hang out with them" Mr. Short nodded and he looked like he had more to say but before he could say it Arthur interrupted us. "Hey sweetheart can you bring the food over here?" I gritted my teeth together and my face turned red with anger. "I'm not sweet and get your own damn food" I growled turning back to Mr. Short who wasn't there. Sighing with annoyance I bought the food to the table sitting next to Jordan. "Thanks" Jordan said. I just grumbled a response and decided that I'd rather stuff my face than talk to these two at the moment. "Home sweet home" Arthur said as if he's been missing this place. I looked at him my face full of displeasure. "This isn't your home" It seemed like a good thing to point out. I'd rather be at camp than here. "It might as well be home, I got my dad, my best friend, and a maid" I was about to jump up to kill him but Jordan held me down. It was like Arthur was purposely trying to make me mad. The rest of the meal just got awkward. Arthur and I were glaring and Jordan didn't know who he should talk to. So we ended up wasting tons of food. "I think I'll be heading to bed, Alice you better go to" Jordan was warning me, probably knowing I'd make a bad decision if he was gone. "I'll head to bed after I have a brief talk with Arthur" I never looked at Jordan while I was saying this. "It'll be my pleasure" Arthur said to me. Jordan backed out of the kitchen and when he was out he bolted to his room. "Do you think you can just treat me like dirt" I growled at him standing up glaring down at him. His face was calm he didn't look scared which was bothering me. "Listen Princess" He drew out the word princess just to make sure it got on every nerve in my body. "I can treat you however I want because as you know I am better than you" He poked me at the last part. It seemed to be my last straw. "I take your deal!" I said moving closer to him my chair falling to the floor. "So a fight and a kiss?" He asked. My hands clenched into fist, he knew exactly what the deal was. "Yea" I then started gaining ground on him but he didn't back up scared. That was something new to me. We stood facing each other both circling trying to get the advantage neither wanting to make the first move. This was going to be a long night.

Kidnapped then rescued, Now they want me to be a spy.Where stories live. Discover now