Kidnapped then rescued, Now they want me to be a spy [11]

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"So going to his house was productive" Mr. Short grumbled. Fearfully Jordan shook his head and I just sat down and looked Mr. Short in the eyes. "Have you seen this house?"

"Yes I have"

"So what the fuck made you think we could ever escape this if we needed to!"

He didn't speak he didn't need to I knew actually what he was thinking, he knew I'd waste my life for Jordan. I looked away from him. "This mission is going to crumple" I growled under my breath and an awkward silence fell between us all. Then the phone rang making the two men jump. "Wimps" I laughed and Mr. Short glared at me. Jordan rolled his eyes at our originality and answered the phone. While he had his back turned Mr. Short showed his true colors and they were bright. "Alexis you got to promise me you'll take care of Jordan, I can't help but think he's going to get hurt on this mission" He looked deeply worried and like always I blew him off with a joke. "Oh so you don't care about me?" I faked hurt and he knew that but I guess he just wanted to get the truth out. "I feel like you can protect yourself better" he admitted. I wanted to go at him and make fun of him because he finally admitted something that secretly I always wanted him to but I couldn't bring myself to mock him.

Jordan walked in on us staring at each other each with a smile on our faces. He gasped "The most known rivals not fighting, what could bring such people together" if only he knew.

"Food" I answered.

Jordan laughed and a small smiled appeared on Mr. Short's face. "Well since we have school tomorrow I think I'll head to bed" Jordan said while yawning. I was about to call him a loser for thinking about school but then I remembered my plan. Jordan left us, dragging his feet.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Short asked knowing I had something up my sleeve he knew me better than a sleepy Jordan did. I raised my eyebrows at him and leaned back in my chair.

Seven minutes later both of us still in the same spots having a staring contest when we heard the slight snoring of Jordan's.

"Well I got to go do my experiment" I said

"Since your only a child I should supervise you"

"I'm not using any sharp objects or chemicals so no need to worry pops"

He stayed in his seat unwillingly. So I got my bucket and filled it with ice cold water, humming as I did and then I walked into Jordan's room. I got right next to his bed when I said "Who needs more training?" in my normal voice not in a whisper and he continued to snore. The blankets didn't move either. Being suspicious I put my bucket down and pulled the covers down. I was rewarded for my disbelief. Under the covers were pillows and a recorder.

"Dad! Jason is gone" Mr. Short ran into the room faster than I could imagine whenever I was hurt he sure took his sweet time to get to me.

"I'll find him" I sighed because truly I have been looking forward to dumping water on him.

"You better cause I don't want this on my record." he said it like he meant it but I could tell he was deeply worried about Jordan. Like he should be because when I find him he is getting beat up for making me go out in the cold and missing the water meant for him.

Into the dark I went, I could still see the crushed grass outside his bedroom window. Poor Jordan would never be as good as me since he weighed a ton. His tracks were clearly visible and he must have not realized how heavy he is. It lead through the small town we lived it and stopped by a back door to some warehouse that kept furniture.

"What the fuck are you up to Jordan" I mumbled under my breath and then opened the door. There was some mumbled talking and a light far away from the door. Of course like me I followed the light like a moth. Staring at the light and nothing else and totally missing the footrest that was in my way. Falling to the ground was my next brilliant thing to do. My crash was really loud and the footsteps rushing to find out the source of the noise was even louder. In a vain attempt to hide I rolled under a couch. It was tight and I was numb with pain so I couldn't tell exactly if my whole body was under or not.

"What was that noise" I heard Cody ask.

" I don't know, you go back I'll investigate more" Jordan said.

One pair of footsteps walked away. "Amber get out of here now" I started to roll out from under the couch when the footsteps started coming back. My head still dizzy from the fall was reacting slower than usual.

"Amber what are you doing here?" Cody asked.

"Trying to find my brother" I moaned laying my head on the footrest. Having a huge headache.

"She's good, maybe she should join us too, being skilled must run in their family" Said Cody's father.

"I think I need to go to the hospital, I didn't hear him show up"

Jordan laughed "I told him you'd show up so he waited here"

Cody's dad out stretched his hand to shake mine "Welcome to my group"

"Do you have any aspirin?" I asked while shaking his hand.

"Take her to our house Cody when she get's up will explain everything to her."

Then my head fell down since I couldn't take the pain of the headache.

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