And Action

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sorry for not posting for awhile. This is barely edited cause I wanted to get it out soon and my parents want me to go somewhere stupid.

"So when are we going to take this plan into action?" I asked Arthur as I laid on the couch and laid my legs across Josh's legs.

"The plan is getting started tomorrow and you know that" Josh growled because he's been listening to me repeat that question all day. I was waiting for Arthur to break and tell me the details of the plan since he thought it was funny to hold the information from me until the last minute.

"Arthur please tell her!" Josh begged not wanting to listen to me all day because more than anybody knew that I could keep it up until I got my way. Arthur shook his head though he was not going to give us mercy so I took a loud intake of breath getting ready to once again ask my question, making sure everyone could hear. But before the first word even came out of my mouth Mr. Short was yelling from the kitchen. "If i hear that damn question one more time I'll cut your arm off Arthur for being an arrogant snot and Alexis your tongue will be in my pot before you can say that question one more time."

Silence fell over all of. Partly because I believed him and partly because we respected his wishes. Josh though always liked to have the final jib. "So Arthur when is this plan taking action?" he asked as nonchalant as he could his face as straight as a ruler. We heard loud stomping and they kept increasing in volume as they came closer. Josh was on his feet in seconds while Mr. Short was standing in the door way. "Josh I really wish you hadn't done that" Mr. Short said in a voice that would scare even the bulkiest of men. Josh was running to the back door but he didn't make it Mr. Short tackled him in a heart beat and as the poor dude laid under the martial arts instructor he was probably reflecting on his bad choice in opponents. "Alexis help me!" He cried and Mr. Short gave him a wedgie.

"I don't care how professional I am, next time were in a fight I'm using that move."

Arthur laughed. "It sure would stun them" We both watched as Josh tried desperately to crawl away from Mr. Short but to no avail. I looked to Josh and sighed realizing that I had my share of fun and now had to help him. "So Arthur" I say leaning back against the couch.

"Yea?" he asked not looking at me to distracted by the fight that looked like a lion killing a bunny.

"By any chance would you know when the plan will take action?" I said it loud enough so it could be heard over josh's pleading for mercy. The room got deathly silent and Mr. Short turned his head to face me. "You just want to fight don't ya?"

"Every waking moment of my life" I say giving him a smirk and a look that said come get me. So Mr. Short did exactly that. He ran a short distance than jumped in the air planning to dive on top of me. Before he landed though I rolled to the side falling onto the floor and getting to my feet before Mr. Short fully took stock of what happened. He turned towards me and got off the couch while I backed away a dangerous look was in his eyes. For a man of his age he was remarkably fast. Then he darted towards me and I dodged just by the last minutes making Mr. Short run right into the plasma TV. "NOT THE TV!" Yelled Arthur standing up from his spot against the couch on the floor. "Stop this madness and I'll give you the stupid answer." he growled while he walked over to his father and pulled him out of the TV though he didn't check his father for any wounds before deposing of him. Then he went to the TV to see it crack and rendered useless. "You guys are so going to pay" His dark glared fell upon me and his father. "Hold it, I wasn't the one who crashed into the TV."

"Then lets say my wraith is for other reasons one might be you left me to walk home last night after dinner!" now his anger was directed exactly at me and no one else. I should of seen this coming. I backed away from all the boys heading to the doorway my one true escape. "You can't blame me Arthur I was a frightened deer trying to escape a wolf" I said faking innocence and smiling sheepishly at them all seeing with my own eyes that they doubted my innocence.

Kidnapped then rescued, Now they want me to be a spy.Where stories live. Discover now