Time to forgive

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After hugging my mother like my life depended on it I was so scared I don't even know what happened I just felt so angry and my magic when I love the place and I woke up listening to my uncles fight, in that moment all I wanted was my parents but as soon as I saw my mother faces, I knew world War three was about to be declared she did not look happy which is why she asked for some privacy between her and her brothers I have a feeling it wasn't going to A nice conversation.

As I was sat with my father I could tell he had questions but before he could answer them hope and her father appeared

As I was sat with my father I could tell he had questions but before he could answer them hope and her father appeared

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"Ruby I am so glad that you're okay I was so scared "she said pulling me into a hug

"Thank you for your concern I'm okay and thank you for going to tell aunt Rebekah,if it wasn't for you my parents wouldn't know that I was in trouble so thank you"

She just smiled at me before turning to look at my father "uncle Elijah it's so good to see you I know that this is a difficult situation but we are a family and if Ruby getting sick or whatever happened to her it's taught us anything is that we need to stand together. I know that you're angry and you have every right to be but it's time to move on from pain and paranoia it's time to work through everything "hope said looking at both her father and mine

My dad was about to speak before he was cut off by klaus" I know that I've hurt you and I am so sorry for that, you stood by me through everything you made me want to be a better man for my daughter and when you asked the same of me I couldn't do ...

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My dad was about to speak before he was cut off by klaus" I know that I've hurt you and I am so sorry for that, you stood by me through everything you made me want to be a better man for my daughter and when you asked the same of me I couldn't do it, you were right I was jealous of Ruby and I am sorry for that I shouldn't have said those things about her they were mean and unnecessary. I just hope that you can forgive me for the mistakes that I have made because I miss my brother and I don't want our family to fall apart because of me "

"Do you think you can just apologise and everything goes back to the way was it doesn't work that way Niklaus, You were cruel and selfish you only thought about your needs you didn't care about anything but yourself. I needed to be there from my daughter who I had missed out on all I asked of you was to give me time and you couldn't do that, the brother that I loved couldn't give me time that I give you with your daughter do you know how selfish and paranoid that you were, you had to push every situation you cause so much pain you slept with my girlfriend and you think just because you said sorry that's just gonna make everything better that is not how the world works not anymore"

Klaus look at my dad " I will do anything to made up for what I have done"

I knew it was difficult for everyone involved but hope was right we need to move on going round in circles continuing this constant pain wasn't necessary and we need it to move forward

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I knew it was difficult for everyone involved but hope was right we need to move on going round in circles continuing this constant pain wasn't necessary and we need it to move forward

"Dad I can't imagine what you went through when you found out about them, I know you were betrayed by the brother that you loved, I know that you don't want to forgive him and you don't have to we just have to move on please can you try for me " I asked him

He looked at klaus " I will never forget what you did but I don't want this negative energy to effect my daughter or niece so we can start to move on but don't push me Niklaus"

Klaus looked at me with a smile before looking at my father" I promise to do better, I want my family back"

As me and Hope look at our fathers with I smiled but it wasn't long before we heard shouting coming of the Morningstar siblings.

I looked at Dad with a sad smile. I know that this situation is going to be a difficult one especially for my mother her brothers were lying to her and to me.

I can't see her taking that well I guess we better be prepared for what comes next.

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