A Letter to the People Who Gave Me Life

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Dear Bella and Edward,

Hi. If you are reading this, we will be long gone. We realized that Stella has a power that no one knew about, being able to turn vampires into humans. None of us wanted to live forever, so we left. We changed our names and moved to a nice sunny place far away from here. 

Life is much better when you are human, when you can eat human food, get sick, bleed. You guys are horrible people for how you treated my sister. She is the nicest person ever. Also, Bella, we know you are cheating on Edward with Jacob.

With a deep hate,


Dear Family,

you guys suck. 

Alice, your style is ok, but you need to understand the weather. 

Jasper, stop following Alice around like a puppy, you can do so much better. 

Grandma and Grandpa, kick Bella and Edward out. They just spend all of your money and do not do anything. 

Bella, being a vampire changed you, and not in a good way. You are mean, careless, and spend people's money. Just get a job. 

Edward, what the fuck is wrong with you? You hate your own child because you only wanted one, you staked a 17 year old girl, and you're way to loud. 

Also, why don't you guys have jobs? You guys do not look 17, you look 27. Go to college and get a degree, and start working. 

Please, burn in hell.

Fuck you,


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