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(she remembered reading about superfluid helium once.

it was an interesting concept, where the energy is so low that only the most fundamental, the smallest traits were at play.

where mathematically, every molecule becomes indistinguishable, moving in perfect frictionless tandem to seemingly defy the laws of nature.

while helium reaches this state easily, it would take almost absolute stillness, zero Kelvin, for any other substance to achieve such a state.

she supposed this is what heroes strived to do: work in perfect and efficient unity. what a shame that such a thing will likely remain forever out of humanity's reach.)

He should have expected this.
He had always put heroism before himself, bundling every emotion, every ounce of hurt inside of him until his eyes stung and stomach burned. He bottled it all up until he broke like fine china, shattering in an array of vibrant colors. He should have expected her to be the same. Like father, like daughter.
His stomach was burning now, and he couldn't remember if it was because he hadn't eaten this morning.
Cosmic leaned into his hands, wiping his face as he slumped against the desk.
The bell at the entrance to his suite sounded and he heard quick, muffled conversation before his office door opened.
A tall, angular man with green and yellow hair stepped through, inclining his head politely. Cosmic didn't return the sentiment; instead he glared.
"Cosmic." Sir Nighteye waited for an invitation to sit down. Cosmic offered none. "I said I would be here at this time to receive your answer," he said smoothly, sitting in the chair across from Cosmic.
"So you did," the retired hero responds coldly, offering him a smile.
"And? Will you participate in the raid?" That's where (Y/n) got it from, that sharp smile. Like father, like daughter.
"Did I ever have a choice? After all, you involved my daughter in a life-threatening situation without my knowledge, much less my consent." His voice wavered as it climbed in volume. "After this is all over, I'll be expecting your retirement or, so help me god, I will make you regret even getting your hero license," Cosmic snarled. Nighteye propped his elbows on the desk, lacing his hands together.
"And how would you accomplish that exactly?" he responds, narrowing his eyes. "With the help of the Hero Commissioner?" Cosmic flinched.
The retired hero's next words were barely above a whisper. "Get out of my office."
Nighteye stood up, crossing the room to the door. "It's always good to have an ally like you; especially with sources like you have." He left and Cosmic slammed the door behind him.

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