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She was itching for a cigarette.

(standing in an office where a smiling face peered down at her from every wall sent her mind reeling and skin crawling. the man in front glanced down at her, the light slanting in through the window's blinds catching his glasses and blocking his eyes from her sight. it had been relatively difficult to activate his quirk. she was anxious, not wanting to meet his gaze. sir nighteye had heaved a sigh before speaking.)

Her head was flickering with static again when he spoke. "How exactly did you come into contact with them?" Why did she agree to this again?

Oh, that's right: he was influential and had the potential to ruin her future career if she refused. (Y/n) swallowed the rising bubble of bitterness. "Um, they found me a few days after the Hosu incident. They patched me up and sent me to the nearest police station."

Sir Nighteye let out a quiet sound of affirmation.

(he had already looked into her files before then. he'd found the files on the hosu incident, her expulsion, her medical records. but there's only so much one can learn from papers.

he was intrigued, to say the least. for someone who seemed so menacing on paper, with her multiple fights and impressive u.a. record, she seemed meek. she seemed to shrink into herself in the hard wooden chair in front of his desk.

he hadn't gotten to the point he was today by being oblivious. either most of her record was exaggerated or left out or

her act was a ruse.)

He laced his fingers together and met her flickering gaze for a moment. "I have access to the files on the Hosu incident. All of it. Even the details not released to the public."

"Oh," she responded. She'd meant for it to be quiet, but her voice inflected at the end. It sounded like a challenge. His reaction was interesting and more telling than she could have hoped for: his mouth twitched downwards for a split second and his eyes narrowed as his head tilted.

This had turned into a battle of words. (Y/n) had never been good with words.

"The interesting thing is, the three boys memories seemed to have failed when describing what exactly happened with you."

She didn't need to feel his rising heartbeat to tell that was a lie.

"I don't believe that." She knew Iida, and from what she could remember of Midoriya, he would've reported everything.

"And why is that?"

"Why are you wasting my time?"(Y/n) held the hero's gaze. "If you want to play mind games, find someone else. I thought I had come her to talk to someone mature, not someone who wants to prove he's as good as his hero."

He didn't move. "Fine." Nighteye pushed a file across the desk. "Who did you see and what did they say?" She opened the file to see an array of photos, ranging anywhere mugshots to photos from cctvs.

She rubbed at her eyes before chiding herself for smudging her makeup. "One of them had his face fully covered the whole time but I-"

Her hands stilled. (Y/n) stared at the photo of the masked man, the one whose words dripped like poison honey. "This is one of them." She handed the photo to him.

(just the image of him had sent her heart into a frenzy. she clenched her cold hands, willing iron into steel before speaking. "who is he?" her words sounded odd to her, as if she was underwater, drowning. it felt like it.)

"Kai Chisaki. The leader of the Shie Hassaikai."

She was in deep shit now, wasn't she?

AN: do i hear boss music?

anyways chisaki is pretty scary to me in a very lowkey chilling way.

like he seems normal but there's just this sprinkles of unnerving elements added in. he's a great villain.

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