🍀☘️Clad in Green (St. Patrick's Day Special!)☘️🍀

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(Frisk's POV)

I woke up this morning in my normal violet pajamas. The first thing I received from Chara was a pinch.

"Ow!" I cried.

"Happy St. Patrick's day," Chara said smugly. "Better have something green in your outfit today, unless you want another one."

I responded by slapping Chara's face with my pillow. "Not my fault I forgot," I mumbled.

Chara went to his bed and grabbed his pillow as well. "This. Means. WAR!"

Before the pillow-fighting could begin, Kris stepped forth, right between is. "Stop it, you two," he said. "I know how you get, and believe me, we don't want Mom to intervene."

Last time a pillow fight between us broke out, Mom had stormed in, just in time to receive the blow of a stray pillow. She'd ended up grounding us for a week, and by her standards, we'd gotten off relatively easy.

Chara sighed. "Just make sure Frisk gets something green on," he said, departing the room.

I already knew what I was going to wear. Five minutes later, I was dressed in a shirt with a picture of a four-leaf clover on it, hoping it would bring me luck. Once that was taken care of, I headed down to the kitchen to get breakfast. This time, Toriel had made waffles that she somehow colored green and shaped like shamrocks.

"How are you, my child?" Toriel asked.

Toriel wore her robes, but this time, she wore an emerald-colored variant of her normal attire. It looked good in her. Asgore also wore green, wearing a green T-shirt with the words "Mr. Dad Guy" in a darker shade.

"So, the whole family's gone green," I noticed. "Not that it's a bad thing. Actually, you're not in danger of being pinched."

It was a St. Patrick's Day thing. Anyone in the family who wasn't wearing green got a good pinch, which was what Chara had done, even though I was in pajamas at the time.

"I'm glad you're up," Asgore said, looking up from the paper. "There's a meeting at 4:00, and we were hoping you could be there."

I nodded. "Of course, Dad. I'll do what I can."

Asriel nodded. "Every day, humans become more and more accepting of monsters," he said. "I'm glad that there's no superstitions about our race."

Asriel was wearing his usual green-and-yellow striped T-shirt, which was what Chara wore.

"Will it be quick?" Aria asked me. "I know you're busy, what with your being ambassador, but I don't want you to be gone for too long."

I patted Aria's fluffy head. "It should be quick, but if it does take a while, don't worry. Things will be just fine."

Aria wore a white dress with a light green skirt. She looked beautiful in her outfit.

"Well," Kris said, "there's nothing to do but enjoy this greenery."

Kris was dressed in a green (of course) T-shirt with the message, "Kiss Me—I'm Irish." Of course he'd pick that. Kris was all about defying the norm. Of course, his "normal" was what others would consider "weird." He didn't care.

"Well," Toriel said, "I was thinking about making corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight, if anybody would like that."

"Sounds delicious," Asgore said. "It's a typical St. Patrick's day dish, after all."

Aria nodded in excitement, her tail wagging. "Let's do it!"

I couldn't help but chuckle. I hadn't expected Aria to be so excited about food that had cabbage in it, but it was nice to see her happy.

"In that case," Toriel said, "we should get the ingredients for tonight."

(Aria's POV)

Once we'd done our grocery store run, we headed home and refrigerated the ingredients that needed that. Asgore and Toriel had decided to prepare it with fire magic.

As for the rest of us, we'd each gotten gold coins on our bedside tables, possibly from a leprechaun, which was a tiny, Irish guy who had a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, as far as I knew. Specifically, chocolate coins in gold foil wrappers. Chara, of course, wolfed down some of his coins right when we got home, because... let's face it, he's a chocoholic. His favorite chocolate is the higher-end chocolates—Lindt, Ghirardelli... that kind of chocolate. Frisk and Kris saved all of their coins for later, while Asriel and I each had a couple of coins. They were so good, and the way they melted in my mouth was satisfying.

Asriel seemed to read my mind, because he asked, "You enjoyed them too, right? I know I did!"

I nodded. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Kids!" Asgore called. "Someone's here for you!"

Both Azzy and I headed downstairs and opened the door. There, on the porch, were the Dracon twins. Both Kirin and Crystal were wearing shirts with the Irish flag on it, and Kirin was holding a plate of cookies shaped like shamrocks, topped with green frosting and green sprinkles.

"These are for you," the dark-scaled dragon said.

Crystal nodded. "Be sure to leave some for your family, alright? Oh, and Rin made them himself."

I stared in amazement. "You did?" I asked.

Kirin nodded. "I did. According to my parents, I'm pretty good at it, too."

Crystal chuckled. "Once you convince him to pause his training and start baking, his cookies are the best out there."

Asriel gratefully took the plate of cookies. "Thanks!" He said. "We'll be sure to enjoy them."

Everyone else gathered at the door to say thanks, and we all said goodbye when the twins had to leave.

"We're celebrating with family," Crystal explained. "It's nothing big, but it's enjoyable to see our family."

We said our goodbyes and closed the door. Soon, we would be having dinner, and I was ready.

(Toriel's POV)

The cooking of corned beef and cabbage with fire magic turned out to be a success, just like I'd hoped. Actually, it turned out even better. Everyone dug in to their dishes with relish, and all enjoyed it.

"Thanks!" Aria said. "I love it!"

Chara and Frisk nodded in agreement. Frisk was no surprise, because this was the same child who ate garbage on live television 9 years ago. What motivated her to do that, I may never know, nor did I wish to. All the same, I was glad everyone enjoyed it.

For dessert, we had the cookies Kirin had had sent us. They were really quite good, so Crystal probably wasn't exaggerating about his cookies being the best. I was glad his mother had someone as talented as he was at baking.

Once dessert was finished, we all got ready for bed. It had been a nice, long day, and we knew the days would get more sunlight and warmth, since it was nearly the vernal equinox—the first day of spring. I could not wait to see the wonders of springtime.

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