The Final Mastery! Chaos Saber and Chaos Buster!

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(Note: This story takes place directly after the previous one.)

(Aria's POV)

As Asriel and I went into our house after our training, we could smell the delicious food Toriel had made: A wonderful meatloaf, some broccoli-cheddar soup, and, for dessert, butterscotch-cinnamon pie. My tummy growled as I took in the lovely meal's appetizing aroma. Asriel was right, I was hungry. I wonder how long it was since I had lunch? I don't think I had any snacks between then and now.

Asgore, Toriel, Frisk, and Chara were already at the table, waiting for us.  They had meatloaf on their plates and soup in their bowls. I sat down across from Frisk, and saw that my dishes held the food. Asriel sat across from Chara.

"Hope you enjoy it, Asriel," Chara said. To me, they actually sounded sincere. Frisk nodded, saying, "Try it, Aria. It's good."

I scooped up a small spoonful of soup, blew on the spoon to cool it down a little, and tried it. It was pretty good, I found out. Toriel smiled at me.

"Tori bought the soup at the store," Asgore said. "The meatloaf, however, was homemade, and — dare I say it — fit for a king." Toriel blushed at the comment. "I just found the recipe online," she said. As I looked at Asgore's plate, I noticed that he had indeed taken a few bites of it already.

I finished my soup, and took a forkful of the seemingly intimidating slab of meatloaf, putting it into my mouth.

The taste was indescribable.

Flavors exploded on my tongue, the combination of savory meat, spices, a few onion pieces, and the ketchup drizzle nearly giving me the instinct to put my fork down and dive straight into the meatloaf. Fortunately, I suppressed that urge. Giving in to it would've been embarrassing for the Princess of Monsters.

"Do you like it?" Toriel,asked.

I swallowed and smiled. "It's wonderful!" I declared.

She smiled warmly. "There's enough for seconds if you want any."

"So," Asgore asked Asriel and me, "did you make any progress today?"

"I mastered Star Blazing and Shocker Breaker!" I said after eating two more bites of meatloaf.

"She means she knows how to properly use them," Asriel clarified. "'Mastered' might me stretching it a little." I responded by lightly punching Azzy in the shoulder.

Chara grinned. "Hopefully that means she won't accidentally zap us like earlier today."

So much for Chara's sincerity, I thought.

"Aria didn't mean it," Frisk said. Chara countered with, "Not meaning to do something and not doing it at all aren't synonymous with each other, y'know?"

"I really am sorry about that," I said, abashed.

"It's all right," Tori said. "My guess is you're not the first monster to lose control of their magic. Chances are, there's others out there."

"Besides," Asgore added, "you're getting the hang of your magic. That's something to be proud of, right?"

I nodded. "I guess so."

Asgore continued. "Just letting you know that, if you have any questions about magic, you've got the best mother to help you out."

Toriel blushed. "Fluffybuns, that's so sweet."

I couldn't stifle a snort in time. "'Fluffybuns?'"

Asgore blushed as well. "Your mother's special name for me."

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