Sleepover With the Skelebros (Part 2)

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(Asriel's POV)

I was amazed to see Gaster reformed and complete. I thought he was doomed to be scattered across time and space forever. I kept thinking it was some sort of dream, but every time I held Gaster's hand, it felt solid. When I asked Frisk to pinch me, I didn't wake up, because I was already wide awake.

It was time for lunch, and we were trying to decide what to eat.

"Snail pie?" I suggested. "We could always have that!"

Sage chuckled. "I understand you love that pie," he said, "but let's think of something that everyone enjoys."

I lowered my head, my floppy ears hanging down. "Sorry," I said. "I was just craving it."

Gaster chuckled. "Still haven't lost that appetite for snail pie, I see," he said. "I still remember how you ate 10 of those at one point."

I blushed as I remembered that incident. "Y-yeah, I guess being omnipresent has that effect."

"Sans," Grace said softly, "what do you want?"

"spare ribs," Sans said. This caused Aria and Frisk to laugh. Gaster tried to hide his smirk. Papyrus just looked annoyed.

"it's a joke," Sans said. "i was just ribbing you."

Chara glared daggers at the short skeleton. "I hate your guts," he said.

"Mexican sounds good to me right now," Kris suggested. Clover agreed with a nod.

"Not Mexican," Aria said. "I'm sorry, but it's not a good idea."

Kris looked over at my goat sister. "Why not?" He asked.

"Don't get me wrong," Aria said. "Mexican is quite tasty, but... well, it doesn't agree with my tummy at all."

"Really?" Kris asked curiously.

I nodded, and explained to Kris about the last time we had Mexican. Aria seemed to enjoy the taste of her taco and burrito, but a half-hour later, she wound up with bad indigestion, a stomachache and... uh... terrible wind. I was warned about the last part being a common symptom of Mexican food. Maybe the spices or the beans had something to do with it.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Grace said sympathetically. "In that case, maybe Mexican isn't such a good idea if you're going to have those symptoms."

Aria smiled. "Thanks, Grace," she said.

"in that case," Sans said, "how about grillby's? that seems to go over well."

It did for everyone except Papyrus, who decided that he'd eat at home. I offered him to make him his favorite food: oatmeal with dinosaur eggs.

"YOU REALLY MEAN IT!?" The tall skeleton asked.

"I do," I said. "You shouldn't starve."


I chuckled. "Do you know your favorite food?" I asked.

Papyrus thought about it for a few moments before giving up.

A few minutes later, Papyrus had a large bowl of oatmeal at the table.

"HAVE FUN!" He said enthusiastically.

"you ready?" Sans asked. "i know a shortcut."

All of us nodded. Gaster was coming as well. All of us walked through the open door of the Gaster family home... and wound up entering Grillby's.

"fast shortcut, huh?" Sans asked.

(Frisk's POV)

I will never understand how Sans does that. I decided not to question it. All of us took our seats and ordered. A while later, our food and drinks arrived. I munched my burger as I looked at Gaster. He seemed content being with his family and friends.

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