Bonus Chapter: His Theme (Original Lyrics!)

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Note: This is made to coincide with "The Nightmarish Truth." Lyrics start at 0:11.

Asriel: (Spoken) Don't you realize how horrible I've been? How could you love me?

Aria: (Spoken) You've been through a lot, haven't you?

A heart cruelly snapped in two
Dreams never to come true
Woke up as s SOULless flower
Through Determination's power

You realized you couldn't feel
Unsure if you were real
Chose the path of genocide
After the day you died

But broken hearts always heal
Once again you can feel
You'll never be on your own
You don't have to feel alone

Asriel: Twisted by this dark nightmare
My conscience was impaired
The brother you love, you see
Is a monstrosity!

Though I knew it wasn't right,
I always chose to fight
"Kill or BE killed" was my path
The way of Flowey's wrath

What if I'm no longer me?
What else could I still be?
Destruction was once my goal
Life, I would not uphold

Aria: You're deserving of all my love
My angel from above
Chara gave you half their SOUL
By this part you're made whole

Your friends will always bring light
To break through your dark night
I will always hold you close
No need to feel morose

Let my love always be true
Let me be here for you
My love for you will endure
Of that you can be sure

We will come, we'll hear your call
If ever you should fall
Know that we, your family
Will love you eternally...

(Aria hugs Asriel. A few tears slip down her face.)

Aria: (Sung without background music) You're why this world became bright
You are my shining light
My love for you will endure,
Dear Asriel Dreemurr.

(Aria starts crying.)

Aria: (Chuckles, then speaks.) You're not the only crybaby in this family, are you?

Asriel: (Hugs Aria tighter.) I love you, Aria.

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