Hypergod Mode (Part 2)

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(Undyne's POV)

"98... 99... 100!"

I set down the huge boulder I had just finished suplexing 100 times with a loud Thud! that shook my house. I would always do this as part of my daily exercise routine, along with 50 pull-ups, 100 ab crunches, and 30 minutes on the treadmill. It's important for anybody to keep fit! Also, I like suplexing boulders... just because I can!!

I took my water bottle and headed outside to the backyard, where I did my outdoor training. Asriel and Aria would arrive at any moment. Also, Goat Mom hinted that something had changed regarding the two kids. That was all she would tell me. I remembered this as I took a drink of water, watching out for Asriel and Aria.

Suddenly, two rainbow comets came hurtling towards me at breakneck speeds! I ended up doing a spit-take just before the two comets crash-landed in my backyard.

"We really need to work on our landing," a female voice said. I was shocked to recognize it as Aria's, but it couldn't be her! Her voice sounded a little deeper for some reason, like a grown woman's, and she never flew at such high speeds. Actually, she never flew at all.

A male voice, which I recognized as Asriel's, but deeper, replied, "Noted."

The smoke and dust cleared, and...

"Holy crap!" I yelled.

Asriel and Aria looked different, but a whole lot cooler. Asriel had black robes with the Delta Rune in white and smoky-gray sleeves. The Dreemurr Brooch he had was pinned to his chest, taking the place of his usual Heart Locket. His horns were longer, a small mane of gold hair sprouted from his head, and he had black power marks on his cheeks. His eyes, though, remained their normal green color, but in them burned a fiery determination. What's more, on his back was a pair of wings with a rainbow-colored galactic pattern, complete with miniature stars, on the inside, while the outside of each wing was black. Aria didn't look to different, but her horns were notably shorter than her brother's (but longer than Toriel's), she was slightly (but not too noticeably) shorter than Azzy, her gold hair reached her shoulders, and her own robes were sleeveless, and colored dark purple. Her eyes were still the turquoise color I recognized, though. She also had her Dreemurr Brooch.

"You two look awesome!" I cried. "How did this happen?! More importantly, how'd you get here so fast!?"

"It's a bit of a long story," Aria said.

"As for the second question," Asriel said, "we seem to have superhuman speed in our Hypergod forms."

"Enough time was wasted!" I bellowed. "We've got training to do! Fuhuhu..." I laughed. "This should be fun!"

"One request," Aria said. "We'd like a rematch against Undyne the Undying."

"This is just a request, not a condition," Asriel added.

"Granted," I said. A brilliant white light enveloped me, and the fires of Determination were stoked within my SOUL. When the light faded, I was in my Undying form, and ready to fight!

A rainbow aura each surrounded Asriel and Aria, and their eyes changed to black scleras with white pupils. I could tell they were ready to train, as well.

"Prepare yourself, Undyne!" Asriel called out, his voice now reverberating with power. "We shall defeat you!"

(Aria's POV)

Power surged through my body as I prepared my Shocker Breaker spell. Asriel, meanwhile, summoned his twin Chaos Sabers and charged Undyne head-on. Undyne blocked the attack with an energy spear. She managed to kick Asriel backward, but at that moment, rainbow lightning struck her.

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