Develyn's Sleepover

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(Kris's POV)

Okay, so here's what happened.

Frisk was calling her boyfriend, Develyn, about what they wanted to do for their next date, when he sprung the news that he was planning a sleepover at our house. His parents agreed if Goat Mom and Goat Dad allowed it, which they did, so... basically Dev was coming to a sleepover on the weekend.

Which, as it happened, was now. Today was Saturday, and we were waiting for Develyn to come over. According to Toriel, he'd be arriving some time around 4:30.

"When's he coming?" Frisk asked, eager to see him again after the barbecue a while back.

"I'm so excited to see him!" Asriel said.

Toriel chuckled. "It will be nice to see him once more, but you must be patient."

At that moment, the doorbell rang. Frisk answered it, and when she opened the door, there was Develyn, along with his parents, Vanessa and Fjaltneir.

"It's good to see you, Frisk," Fjaltneir said. From what I heard, an accident had caused him to wind up in a wheelchair. "How have you been?"

Frisk smiled. "I'm doing fine," she replied. She took one look at Develyn and blushed.

Vanessa turned to her son. "Be good now, alright?" she said. "And if the Dreemurrs can help you with anything, don't be afraid to ask."

"Got it, Mom," Dev replied.

Asgore and Toriel decided to talk to Fjaltneir and Vanessa as Develyn entered, led by Frisk.

"I still can't help but think that the King and Queen of Monsters would have a palace or castle," Develyn said.

Frisk chuckled. "And let me guess. You'd expect the king to have a royal gardener instead of doing gardening himself?"

"Well... kind of."

I stepped forward. "How you doing, Dev?" I asked.

"I'm doing just fine, thanks," Develyn said. "That reminds me... apparently, we're related. Something I found out."

I blinked. "What? We're... related?"

"I know," Develyn replied. "It's strange. We're not that close on the family tree. I think you might be a distant cousin of mine."

"Definitely, considering I'm a perfect 50/50 hybrid, while you're dominantly human." I made a point of changing form (I was in human form at the time) in front of my distant cousin, revealing my goat form.

Develyn sighed. "I'm never gonna wrap my head around your ability to change form at will. It's..."

"Weird?" I asked.

"I didn't mean—" Develyn began defensively.

"I know," I interrupted. "I've been called weird before, honestly. As for me, I prefer the term 'unique.'"

Develyn nodded. "I would've used that word to describe your form-changing."

We said our goodbyes to Fjaltneir and Vanessa as they got in their car and drove back home.

"Are you hungry, Develyn?" Asked Toriel. "I've got some freshly-baked Butterscotch Pie."

Develyn shook his head slowly. "I'm good, thanks."

Frisk sighed. "Vel, until you've tried Mom's pie, you've never lived. Are you sure you don't want any?" She gave her boyfriend her best puppy eyes.

Develyn sighed. "Well, when you put it that way, I probably shouldn't refuse."

(Asriel's POV)

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