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Chloe's POV:

I made happy clear Tony's schedule today and I surprisingly woke up next to him.

Me: "Good morning sunshine."

Tony: "Happy said you two cleared my schedule."

Me: "Yes."

I kissed his forehead.

Me: "I'm sorry for yelling last night. But Peter has a science fair today and we're going."

Tony: "Ok."

•••At Peter's school•••

Peter: "M-m-mister Stark?! Miss stark."

Tony: "Not yet anyways."

Flash: "Holy shit penis Parker really does work for tony? And whose this with you stark?"

Chloe: "What did you just call peter?!"

Tony: "My girlfriend is a very scary woman when she's upset I suggest you run."

Peter: "When are you purposing?"

I looked at tony and peter.

Peter: "purposing the idea to the school board about a new planetarium?"

Tony: "Probably next week."

Peter ended up winning the science fair tony went home and I went to dinner with Steve and Dana.

Dana: "Tony isn't with you?"

Me: "No he still dosen't want to see Steve. But Steve I want you to know something. You two are stronger together not apart. You're a good team don't let that be thrown away. Not only does he not want to see Steve but spider boy says there's this guy selling weapons but tony had to go to a conference so he's going to text me when I need to send out his automated suit."

Steve: "How's the kid doing?"

Me: "He's practically my son. He comes over a lot and makes suits with tony. He's a smart kid I see him having a bright future. He's really strong for his age tony says it's only going to get better."

Dana: "Well it worked out for you since you never wanted kids you only see him for like half the day and he goes home and he someone else's problem."

Me: "Yeah I guess...."

Dana: "Don't tell me the billionaire has changed your mind?"

Me: "Having a little tony running around wouldn't be so bad."

Dana: "He's making you soft."

Me: "Eh I almost kicked some kids ass at Peter's school."

Steve: "You're perfect for tony."

Me: "He texted."

I pressed a button on my phone and sent the suit to peter.

Me: "That's my cue to leave."

Steve: "Tell tony I'm sorry. And that I said hi. And if he wants to talk he knows where to find me."

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