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Chloe's POV:

Thankfully we got home before Peter's school trip. I was worried something would go wrong. But on our honeymoon I figured out how to bring vision back so we called Wanda to our place.

Wanda: "You both are the best."

Me: "We do our best. Also Peter is on a school trip and I'm prepared to drop everything to be there. But no worries Bruce knows how to bring vision back too!"

Wanda: "You're good to him. And you're excepting another?"

Me: "Shhh tony doesn't know yet."

Wanda: "How far along are you?"

Me: "Only two weeks."

Wanda: "When are you going to tell him?"

Me: "Oh I don't know... anyways want to come watch paw patrol with me?"

Wanda: "Paw patrol?"

Me: "It's the only thing on Nickelodeon at this hour but it's quite entertaining."

Wanda: "Sure."

•••A few days later•••

Happy: "The kid just called me we gotta go."


Bruce: "You guys go I've got everything handled here."

Wanda: "Good luck!"

We hopped on the private jet and headed to Peter tony reached over and grabbed my hand.

Tony: "Everything's going to be ok."

Me: "And what if its not? What if we're too late...."

Happy: "I see him."

Peter: "Tell me something you would only know!"

Happy: "You rented a adult only movie on that trip-"

Peter: "Ok ok. Tony?"

Tony: "I know you secretly let win Chloe at Mario kart."

Me: "WHAT?!"

Peter: "You? Chloe?"

Chloe: "At our wedding you cried."

Tony: "Anyone could know that."

Chloe: "You gave a wine glass that says worlds best mom. And I've seen your thor impression...."

Peter: "Ok ok it's you!"

Peter got on the jet and apologized to tony for giving his glasses to beck. Tony hugged him and forgave him and told him we'd get them back. They started building a suit and I sat up front with happy.

Happy: "You told him yet?"

Me: "You know?"

Happy: "I've known you and tony for too long. I know somethings up."

Me: "I'm just scared he's going to leave me."

Happy: "He won't trust me."

Peter: "We're here."

Me: "Good luck."

Tony: "Call us if you need backup."

Peter left and we left the jet to go get his friends to escape.

Me: "Hey tony I have something to tell you."

Tony: "What is it sweetpea?"

Me: "I'm"

Peter: "TONY!!!! CHLOE!!!! I NEED BACKUP!"

Me: "Hold that thought."

Tony and I put on our suits and flew over I killed beck with no hesitation peter got the glasses back and stopped his plan.

Happy: "Did she just kill him?"

Tony: "That's my wife."

Peter: "Thank you."

Me: "Anything for you peter. Now go to MJ."

He ran off.

Tony: "So what were you going to tell me?"

Me: "I'm pregnant."

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