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The events of homecoming go on as is. Chloe gets mad at tony for taking Peter's suit away but when he explains what happened she forgives him and understands why he did it. Onto the scene at the end where happy takes peter to the new campus.

Chloe's POV:

Peter caught vulture so tony wanted to add him to the avengers. But apparently he turned down the offer.

Me: "Where's Peter?"

Happy: "He left."

Me: "Everyone's waiting."

Tony: "You know he actually made a really mature choice just surprised the heck out of us."

Me: "Did you guys screw this up?!"

Tony: "He told peter to go wait in the car."

Me: "Are you kidding me?!"

Happy: "Uh."

Me: "I have a room full of people in there waiting for some big announcement what am I going tell them?"

Tony: "Think of something. How bout um hap you still got that ring?"

Happy: "Do- I-uh the enga are you kidding? I've been carrying this since 2008."

Me: "What?"

Tony: "Nothing go in I'll be right behind you."

Me: "K..."

I headed in the room and tony followed me.

Me: "Tony has something to say."

Tony: "We're engaged."

The press went nuts.


Tony: "Now that we're alone I can give you a proper purposal."

I hand him the ring back and he gets down on one knee.

Tony: "Chloe Amelia Jones over the years I think I've said everything I needed to say to you. I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. So will you marry me?"

Me: "Of course tony."

Tony: "Here's the ring back."

Me: "I love you so much tony."

{infinity goes on as is}

Dana and I were sitting on the couch waiting for tony to come home. He walked in the door and looked really depressed.

Tony: "Steve is still in wakanda I have my private jet waiting for you outside to take you I gotta talk to chloe alone."

Dana: "Is Steve ok?"

Tony: "Yes."

Dana left and tony came and sat next to me on the couch he turned off the tv.

Me: "What happened?"

Tony: "T-the k-kid.... Peter.... he's gone."

Me: "W-what do you mean?"

Tony: "Thanos when he snapped.... when he had all the stones a bunch of people went missing including peter."

I fell to the ground sobbing who was going to tell May?

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