Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV~

"Ugh!" Ashton growled in frustrated. "We've been searching for," he paused, attempting to count his fingers,"I don't even know how many days anymore and still nothing!"

"Don't worry we'll find her," Michael said trying to calm him down.

"Everyone keeps saying that! And still nothing, we have found nothing!" Ashton fought back.

"What if she's d-,"

"Don't you dare even think about that!" Ashton yelled cutting Calum off.

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. We've been searching and trying to figure out any clues that could have been left and still nothing. Ashton's right, but I still don't want to lose hope because I know she's out there and hopefully safe.

I got up and started to walk back to my room.

"Where you going?" Luke asked.

"I'm going to grab my phone real quick," I replied and continued to my room.

I reached the door to my room and reached for the nob turning and opening the door. I walked over to my bed side table, grabbed my phone and noticed a piece of paper laying next to my phone. Picking it up i remembered that it is Mathews phone number. Maybe I should call him and ask if he's seen Scarlett yet, but maybe I shouldn't, what if he becomes suspicious? Well I might as well give it a shot. I dialed the phone number


"Hey Mathew it's Chloe," I told him

"Oh hey whats up," Mathew replied sounding a little busy.

"I'm sorry to bother you but have you seen Scarlett? She's still gone and we can't find her," I explained hoping he's seen her.

"No sorry I haven't seen her at all," he said hurriedly. I wonder what he's doing?

"Oh ok, I'm just worried about h-" I was cut off by a loud scream.

"What was that?" I questioned

"Oh it was nothing just my annoying little sister," he said unsure. Someone screamed for help and the voice sounded awfully familiar.

"I gotta go Chloe but I'll uh, talk to later," before I could respond, Mathew hung up.

That scream sounded a lot like Scarlett's voice. What if Mathew has Scarlett! I though he was nice and I could trust him! Wait if that is Scarlett why would she be screaming!? What is he doing to her! I should probably go talk to Ashton about this.

I ran out the door and down the hallway screaming for Ashton. I quickly came to a stop when Ashton was in front of me.

"Slow down," he said with a smile

"I think I know where Chloe is," I said panicked. Luke, Calum and Michael ran up and crowded around Ashton and I. Immediately they started asking a thousand questions.

"Guys!" I yelled causing them to be quite.

"I called Mathew t-"

"Wait Mathew? Why Mathew?" Ashton cut me off mid sentence.

"Because we use to be friends," I told him.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with Mathew he's bad news," Ashton warned me.

"What do you mean bad news?" I asked.

"Well we use to be good friends but then he started doing bad things, so left him and joined 5 Seconds Of Summer. He got really mad at me for that." He explained. I never knew Ashton knew Mathew. I wonder how they met? Is he a vampire too? So many questions races through my mind.

"So is he a vampire too?" I asked.

"Yes he is, a powerful one too."

"Anyways back to where you think Scarlett is," Luke said.

"Oh yeah, so I was on the phone talking to Mathew and I heard screaming in the distance. I asked what it was and he said his little sister, but then I heard screaming again except this time they screamed for help and it sounded just like Scarlett." I told them.

"I should have guessed it was Mathew! I'm going to get her." Ashton practically ran to the front door.

"Wait Ashton, you can't just barge in there looking for her. Mathew would destroy you," Luke said. He has a point if Mathew is as powerful as Ashton said, he's gonna lose I'm a fight against him.

"Your right, we need to come up with a plan on how to get Scarlett back." Calum said.

"But we're not one hundred percent sure that it is Scarlett," Michael added. I know it's Scarlett, I just have a feeling that it is her.

"How about Ashton sneaks to Mathews house to see if Scarlett is there, if she is there than we come up with a plan to get her." Luke told us. We all nodded in agreement to Luke's idea.

Ashton had left about half an hour ago. Michael, Calum, Luke and I decided to watch TV while we waited for Ashton. Luke and I are on the couch, I'm leaning against him while he has his arm around me. I'm starting to get a bit sleepy just sitting here but I don't want to go to sleep.

After a few more minutes of sitting and watching TV Ashton burst through the door and ran over to us. We all sat up and waited for Ashton to speak.

"So is it her!?" I asked him excited.

"I went to Mathews place and looked through all the windows trying not to let him see me. After a while of not being able to find anything through looking in the windows he left for a jog I think." Ashton explained then continued. "I snuck inside and looked through all the rooms but she wasn't there. I almost gave up and left but then I heard crying. I followed the crying to a door hidden in a closet, I opened the door and thankfully it was unlocked. A concrete staircase was behind the door, I followed the stairs down to a basement and that's where I found Scarlett."

"Wait if you found Scarlett why didn't you get her!? Is she ok? Did she look alright? What was keeping her locked down there?" Question started to come out of my mouth before I knew it.

"Let me finish my story and you will find out," Ashton said before continuing the story. "She was in a jail cell looking thing, she was on the ground with her knees pulled to her chest and she was crying. I ran to the cell but she didn't look up, I whispered her name and when she looked up her face lit up. When I tried to get her out I heard the front door open and I told her I would be back for her. I ran up stairs, closed the door and hurried out the window before Mathew came."

"I am so happy she's ok," I said with relief.

"So now we think of a plan to rescue her," Luke said.


Some of you were right, it is Mathew!

Thank you for reading and voting, Madie and I really appreciate it.

I hope you guys are enjoying the book!

-Alyssa ;)

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