Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light. I rolled over, picking up my phone to check the time, 9 a.m. Slowly I leaned up yawning and stretching my arms out. I looked around to see I was in my room, remembering I had gotten tired last night while the rest of the boys stayed up to keep searching for Scarlett.

I looked around my room not knowing what to do. It was so different without Scarlett and I missed her so much, I just hope she is alright and staying strong, and it hurts me to know that there's nothing we can do right now but look for her. What if she's really hurt! Or is being held captive or what if she's de- no I'm not even going to think about that, she is not dead she is alive and plus it would be really hard to kill her, I think... I felt a tear escape the corner of my eye, I whipped the tear and got up walking over to my door and opening it. I walked out the door and down the hallway, the house is completely silent. As I make my way to the kitchen I look over into the living room to see Michael and Luke sprawled out on the floor and Calum spread on the couch with his feet dangling over the edge. Where's Ashton? He was here last night. Curious I looked around the house quietly for Ashton, he isn't anywhere in this house.

I slipped on my converse and a grey sweatshirt then opened the front door to go see if Ashton is at his house. I stepped out side to the cold morning air and the sun shining brightly, if the suns out shouldn't it be warmer? I closed the door behind and started for Ashton's house, I walked down the drive way and turned right now walking on the sidewalk.

Once I reached Ashton's house I reached for the door nob but then brought my hand back, maybe I should nock? What if he's sleeping? I don't want to wake him. I looked through the side window and didn't see anyone, deciding not to, I grabbed the cold silver door nob and twisted. The door wasn't locked and I stepped inside quietly closing the door behind me.

"Ashton?" I whispered, no respond. I walked toward the kitchen and I didn't see Ashton, just a dimly lit kitchen with a very yellow banana lying on the counter. Maybe he's in his room, wherever that is... Maybe upstairs. I walked to the stairs leading up to the second floor, as I started to make my way up the stairs I could hear someone quietly strumming a guitar and singing softly. I followed the sound and it lead me down the hallway to the last door on the left. I peeked through the cracked door to see Ashton sitting on what I assumed was his bed, all I could see was the back of him since he was facing the window on the other side of the room.

"I see myself here in your eyes, stay awake 'till the sunrise," he sang quietly to a song I didn't know while strumming on his acoustic guitar.

"I want to hold you hold you all night, I want to tell you that your all mine," his voice had pain in it, and he choked out the last words.

"We'll never be as young as we are now, it's time to leave this old black and white town, let's-" he stopped and it went silent, he starred out the window, he reached up to his face and rubbed his eyes. I decided to go in now and see if was ok. I opened the door slowly and entered his room, I walked over to him taking a seat next to him. He didn't even bother to look over at me.

"You ok Ashton?" I asked looking at him. He simply shook his head no.

"You miss Scarlett don't you?" He turned and looked at me, his eyes red and puffy and you could see pain in his eyes.

"I-I miss her so much" tears started pouring out of his eyes. I reached my arms out and hugged him tightly, he rested his head on my shoulder and started sobbing. I felt so bad for him, I miss Scarlett so much and seeing Ashton cry made me start to cry too. We both are crying our eyes out and hugging each other.

After a while I leaned up and looked at him, his eyes redder then before and his cheeks are cover in tears.

"Why don't we watch a movie or something to get our mind of this?" I asked

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