Chapter 9

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Mathews POV~

Chloe called and informed me that she is stuck in traffic and wouldn't be here for another 15-20 minutes. Which is quite strange since it's a weekday and most people are working and I think school started again too.

It's been 15 minutes and Chloe still isn't here, I know she said 15 to 20 minutes but still traffic isn't bad. Maybe something happened. Wait, nothing can happen to her she's a vampire. Chloe thinks I don't know she's one but I do, when I first met her I couldn't here her heart beat. Well I guess something can happen to her since I was able to get Scarlett. I mean it's all thanks to her. If Chloe hadn't of left her it would have made it a lot more difficult. Speaking of Scarlett I should probably check on her. I installed cameras in the basement and a few around the house, just to keep an eye on things. I pull out my phone and click on the app. As I start to click from camera to camera I notice something in my bedroom, and it's moving. As I look closer I notice it's not something, it's someone. His hair is quit curly. Just as I'm about to look closer the cameras shut off. I stand up and slam my fist against table, causing people to stare but right now I really don't care. There's only one person I know with that kind of hair. Ashton. He always has to ruin everything! Take everything from me! I need Scarlett. I need him to know how it feels to lose someone you care about, someone you love. You see I was the one who turned Ashton into a vampire. It was the biggest mistake of my life, I should have killed him instead. He killed my mother. He says it was an 'accident' and that he's 'sorry'. My mother was the only family I had left. My father died in a car accident and my only sibling was stabbed to death. And if he gets her my whole plan is going to fall apart. I bet this was Chloe, I bet she's the one who figured it out. And she's the one who set me up, the one who called me here for lunch. She's going to pay. Just wait, she will pay for what she has done. It's going to be very painful, I will make sure of it. I'm going to head over there right now and teach them lesson. They don't know who their dealing with. I'm a lot more powerful then they think, oh you just wait and see.


Sorry it's a short chapter but, you guys got to read a little bit off Mathews past.

I hope you all are enjoying the story and thank you for reading!

-Alyssa :)

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