Chapter 10

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Ashton's POV~

Calum and I succeeded to get inside Matthews house of God knows what. I mean, once you get inside the main floor looks as average as your own house but the basement is a whole other story, I don't want to know about the attic. that thought sent shivers down my spine as Calum and I climbed through the window.

The basement was dark and scary, but I know the love of my life was down there, I needed to help her.

Once we got down there I didn't hear Scarlett. My heart quickened as I ran down the stairs and held the bars of the cage. I heard breathing. She's down here. I smiled softly and whispered her name ever so quietly.

"Master?" my heart sank.

"No baby, it's me" I said as I reached my hand into the cage. she stood up quickly and grabbed my hand. she smelt horrible. I looked at her wrists and I saw red marks.

"What are those?" I asked

"He ties bands tightly around my wrists and makes me not touch them for days," she explained

"I'm going to get you out of here, Calum and I- where's Calum?" I looked around and my kiwi friend wasn't here anymore. I couldn't leave Scarlett alone so I stayed with her.

"Quite honestly I don't know how to get you out but we'll find a way, I promise." I promise a lot of things but this is one I will keep.

"Did he ever rape you?" I question hoping the answer is no. And I was right she shook her head. I kissed her through the bars and she kissed back. it wasn't the best but at least it was something. I pulled back and what she said after broke my heart;

"I missed that feeling, Ashton, I missed you," she sighed and I sat down and she followed. I intertwined our fingers and we just sat there as I sang Never Be

I love her so much.

Luke's POV~

I decided to go help Calum and Ashton with Scarlett instead of being a look out. Look out is boring, I want to be part of the action. Plus they might need me for my extremely large muscles.

I climb through the window that leads into a good sized open living room that connects to the kitchen. I wonder around until I bump into Calum.

"Aren't you suppose to be helping Ashton?" I ask.

"Aren't you suppose to be on look out?" Touché Calum.

"Good point," I reply looking down the hallway.

"We should probably go search Mathews room for anything important, maybe a key or something?" I say sounding more like a question.

"That's a good idea." Calum says turning on his heels and we head to Mathews bedroom.

As you walk in Mathews room there's a queen size bed in the top right hand corner with a small window to the side of the bed. There are two dressers and a single closet. What's strange about the closet is its quite large, it reminds me of the wardrobe from Narnia. His room is colored a dark grey and his bed is black along with his dressers. What I also find quite strange is how neat Mathew keeps everything. Bed perfectly made, clothes perfectly folded and put away, even every picture looks perfectly even, everything is perfect! I thought of Mathew to be more of the messy type but I gue-

my thoughts are interrupted by the front swinging open with a loud bang.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself. That's probably Mathew. Just then Ashton ran up and out of the closet. There's a basement down there!? Why didn't I know this!?

"There's a fucking basement down there!?" I whisper yelled to Ashton.

"Yes and language!" He says panic written across his face.

"You guys go take care of Mathew while I find a way to get Scarlett out!" Ashton commands as he runs back down to the basement. I look over at Calum then speak,

"Ready to go kick some ass?" Calum's frown turn into a grin,

"Oh yeah,"

Michael's POV~ [yay Mikey!]

Chloe left.

Luke left.

Now everyone was counting on me, which is stupid because they all know I'm lazy as fuck. Although I'm their only hope.

I was still in the bushes trying not to make any noise what so ever. I had to be sneaky. Very, very sneaky.

You could say I was a professional since I watch a lot of spy movies. I wish I had a laser gun or other spy gear spy's have. That shit would be awesome! I could just be like pew pew and everyone would die and i'd be the hero that saves everybody.

I waited for what seems like forever, I guess that's a good thing. I hope they got Scarlett.

Just then I heard steps. Loud steps. I hid behind the bushes covered in fear when I realized it was Matthew who coming near. {I'm like Dr.Seuss I swear} I did the stupidest thing possible and jumped from the bushes, hoping to be like Jakie Chan, and swatted the air like I was in karate, although it looked like I was swatting away flies.

"What the hell are you doing by my house?" Matthew wasn't impressed with my karate moves. I stopped and wow, he was intimidating.

"Oh uh, this is your house? Huh, that's odd I could've sworn it wa-"

"Save it," Matthew sighed. "Just leave?"

"Uhm, I can't," I stalled hoping they'd be quick.

"And why not?" I tried to think of something to keep stalling.

"Uhm, you see, I was playing with my Pokemon cards, ya'know? The really, really rare ones? Like that cost a lot of money?" he nodded. "Well, you see Calum is a big meanie and he threw one into your backyard," I finished.

"You live three houses down," he sighed.

"Uhm, I mean, have you seen Calum's muscles? They're like-" I held out my arms, "this big!" Matthew just stared at me. "Can you help me find it?" I asked.

"Fine but let's make this quick, I've got things to do,"

"Like what?"

"Important things you wouldn't understand,"

"Matthew, I'm 19 I'll understand," I protested

"Do you understand taxes and finances?" I shook my head.

"Thats what I thought,"

We got to the back yard and we heard a crash from inside the house. Matthew turned around facing the porch.

"What was th-" I punched him in the face.

I, Michael Gordon Clifford, punched Matthew in the face.


"Michael, what the hell man?!"

"Muscle spasm?" I shrugged.

"Fuck you man," and then I felt pressure on my left temple. Then it all went black.


I love Mikeys POV omg. should I do his more often?

tell me if I should, bc it was fun to write

so Alyssa and I are going to try to make these chapters longer because we have very slow updates, which were sorry about, and yeah.

anyway thank you for reading!

do you think they're going to get Scarlett out of the cage? or is she going to stay there forever?

- Madie

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