Chapter 8

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Luke'a POV~

Ashton and Calum are inside trying to get Scarlett out of that hell house of his. I can imagine what she's been through. Hopefully it wasn't too bad... Ashton, Michael and, I are outside crouched behind a bush in his front yard keeping look out. His house is in a neighborhood but luckily the house is at the the very end of the street. It makes it easier not to get spotted. I didn't really expect Mathew to live in such an antique looking house. Well it's not really antique it looks like a house on display because it's so neat and tidy. His house is white with big white posts around the front porch and bushes all around his yard. For some odd reason it reminds me of a smaller version of the White House.

"Did you call Mathew?" I asked Chloe as she is also crouched behind the bushes.

"Yes I did call him, about 15 minutes ago." She replied looking at the time on her phone.

"You should probably call him and tell him your stuck in traffic or something to give us more time and so he doesn't get suspicious." I told her while she started to dial his number. To get Mathew away from the house we came up with the idea to have Chloe invite Mathew to a lunch date kind of thing at Starbucks.

Chloe's POV~

On the phone

Me: hey Mathew it's Chloe.

Mathew: oh hey Chloe where are you? I've been waiting for you.

Me: yeah I'm really sorry for the wait. I've been stuck in traffic but I should be there in about 15 to 20 minutes if that's ok?

Mathew: yeah perfectly fine I'll see you in a bit.

End of call

I hung up my phone and stuck it in my pocket and looked around the neighborhood for anything. Being the lookout is really boring. I should be in there helping to get Scarlett, I mean it is kind of my fault she's in there and I want to be the one to help get her out.

"I'm going to go in and see what's taking them so long." Luke said as he got up from a crouching position.

"I will too," I told him as I started to get up but was stopped.

"No, you need to stay here and help Michael on lookout." He said starting to walk to the house.

"But I want to help," I begged trying to use my best puppy dog eyes.

"No, that's not going to work. Stay here and help Michael." Man he's good. Giving up in defeat I turned to keep watching the empty streets.

After about ten minutes of watching, I'm to curious to stay and be lookout. You really only need one person on lookout, right? When Michael wasn't looking I used my vampire speed to the backyard of the house. Looking at the windows on the bottom floor I noticed one window that is slightly open. The bottom of the window went to right above my shoulders. Slipping my fingers under the door and lifting up the room became more clear to what it was. I lifted myself inside the medium sized window. The room is strange. Full of odd things, things I've never seen before. I walked over and picked up the object and that's when I realized what it is. I didn't think of Mathew to do this. I've never seen anything like this before in my life , only in movies or books. Mathew really has got something to hide. I never thought he would have a room full of...


Cliff hanger! Sorry for not updating in a while. Hope you guys are enjoying the book and thank you so much for reading.
~Alyssa ;)

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