Chapter 2

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Scarlett's POV-
It's dark.
I can't see.
Where am I?
What did I do to get here?

"Your mind is racing, calm down," a voice told me, it was a disguised voice. My head was pounding and I felt sick.
Where's Ashton?
Why can't I speak?
'I said calm down!' The voice roared in my head. I quickly nodded and went to wipe off the sweat from my forehead and my hands were stuck. I couldn't move. I was sitting in a rather comfortable chair. I heard footsteps. They were coming closer. I knew I was in for some trouble when the blindfold got ripped off my face. I couldn't quite make out the figure but there was someone there. Finally lights came on. I couldn't believe who was standing right in front of me.

Chloe's POV~

Luke, Ashton, and I were awake all night, Michael and Calum came over last night and are helping us find Scarlett. Were trying to figure out all the possible places she could be, or even try to find a clue to where she went.

"Do you think someone took her?" Calum asked rubbing his eyes, he was obviously tired.

"Whoever took her is going to be dead! I will make sure they regret ever taking her!" He stood up shouting.

"We don't even know if someone took her, she's a vampire! It would be pretty hard for a human too take her!" Luke said frustrated.

"Unless that person wasn't human," I told them. They looked at me like I had just said the most brilliant thing. I don't even know if there are any other vampires then us, well there has too be more than just us. But who would want to take Scarlett?

"Maybe your right! Maybe that person is a vampire too," Ashton exclaimed.

"But who?" Michael spoke up

"Do you have any enemies? Someone who wants revenge or doesn't like you? Do you know any other vampires that would have taken her?" I questioned Ashton.

"For all we know it could be a crazy vampire fan that is jealous of Scarlett and took her" Calum told us.

"Why don't we just use our super smelling thing to find her?" I asked even though I've asked before.

"Super smelling thing?" Luke questioned while laughing at what I had just said. I'm tired and not thinking strait, i just want to sleep I mean I know Scarlett is out there and needs our help but we need to sleep.

"You mean our vampire sent?" Ashton asked like I'm suppose to know what it's called.

"Yeah, same thing" I told him.

"I told you it's not that easy, we can smell blood, and Scarlett don't have any blood." Ashton explained

"Oh" I said quietly

"Guys I'm hungry can we eat!" Michael whined

"Michael your always hungry!" Calum told him. The more I thought about food the hungrier I got. I haven't ate in hours and food sounds good.

My stomach growled loudly and everyone looked at me.

"I'm hungry too," I added.

"Ok we'll eat, we could make pancakes or something" Ashton said

"I hungry for blood not food,food" Michael told Ashton

"Me too" Calum added

"Ok, we have blood bags in the fridge" Ashton told them. I am not drinking blood! I don't even know where it came from. But it sounds so good.. Maybe just one taste...No, Chloe you can't.

"I think I'll just eat something else." I told the boys

"You can't, I want you to come and plus you can't eat human food forever you need blood," Luke begged me to come

"No I'm not drinking blood." I told him looking him in the eye.

"Pleeeeease" he stuck out his bottom lip and made a sad face. He looked so adorable. How could I say no to that?

"Fine" I said giving in.

"YEAH!!" Luke shouted and ran down the hallway.

I got up and followed Luke down the hallway. He is standing at a door that I have never opened before. I followed Luke down the wooden stair case, it's dark but it doesn't matter because of the night vision I have. Once we reached the bottom Luke turned on a light. I looked around medium sized room witch seemed to be a basement, there is a regular white fridge in the corner of the room with a small trash can next to it, and no windows in here and besides the fridge and trash can the rest of the basement was empty. The floors are concrete and cold, there are cobwebs hanging from the celling and in the corners. This basement kinda creeps me out, it reminds me of a horror movie.

"This is where you keep the blood bags?" I asked. Well that's gotta be one of the weirdest things I've said.

"Yeah." Luke simply replied.

"Why all the way down here?" I questioned. Then I heard pairs of feet come down the stairs and I turned to see Michael, Ashton, and Calum.

"Throw me a bag," Calum told Luke.

"I keep them down here so if I ever have company over they don't open the fridge and find bags of blood," he said while opening the fridge and tossing a bag to Calum.

"Toss me two" Michael said holding up his getting ready to catch them.

"One at a time" Luke smiled. Luke threw a bag at me and I reached to catch it, the bag fumbled in my hands but I then soon got a grip on it. The pint of blood is cold and so weird looking, but at the same time it looks so good. Luke grabbed a bag for him and Ashton then closed the fridge, he threw the bag to Ashton then walked to me,

"That was delicious" Michael said holding the now empty bag. I looked over at Calum and Ashton, Calum was already devouring the bag and Ashton's fangs are showing. He stuck his fangs in the side of the bag and the blood slowly started to disappear. I turned back to Luke and gave him a disgusted look.

"Ready?" He asked smirking.

"Not really" I replied back not wanting to do this anymore.

"Just watch me and you'll figure it out," he told me. He smiled and them two fangs came into sight, then he lifted the bag to his mouth and sunk his fangs into the bag. The bag of blood got smaller and smaller. Once Luke finished he whipped his mouth then threw the bag away in the garbage can next to the fridge. He looked at me waiting for me to drink the blood. I sighed and brought the bag to my mouth, I felt two fangs appear then I stuck them into the side of the bag. The most wonderful taste filled my mouth, I was not expecting this at all. Before I knew it the bag was empty, I threw the bag away and turned to see all the boys looking at me with big smiles.

"What?" I asked whipping my mouth,

"So did you like it?" Luke asked with a smile.

"No it was disgusting and I will never do that again." When I told them all there smiles went to frowns or confused looks.

"But... I don't.... You should have liked it," Ashton said confused.

"I was just kidding, that was the most amazing thing I had ever tasted!" All there frowns turned to smiles.

"Good" Calum said as he turned to head back up the stairs. I followed them back up the stairs and back to living room.

"By the way" I paused "where did you get the blood bags?" I asked taking a seat on the coach.

"We stole them from the hospital" Luke told me sitting next to me, then he put his arm around me.

"Oh" I simply said.


Hey Guys! I'm getting my braces off tomorrow after 4 years of having them! I'm really happy!

Anyways thank for reading our book, I hope your enjoying it so far and hopefully you keep reading it!

-Alyssa ;)

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