11. Chase

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Ignore mistakes:(

Third Person POV:

Pete is terrified he knows who is this man even though it's dark and the face is not seen but he knows this guy he is the one following since the day he started working at this coffee shop last time he got lucky Ae saved him but now he can't seem to find anyone In this lane to help Pete shut his eyes in terror when this creepy man coming close to him he feel powerless

Tears roll down his cheeks murmuring something under his breath Pete tried to fight back but no when he tried he slapped him so hard that it stings the burning sensation on his cheek his hands his body his whole life is now under his control....

That man drag Pete out of the lane Pete saw a car at the end of the lane   he knows what's going to happen Pete is a crying mess looking around for help but no why the hell today the whole street is empty and dead silent as if it's been planned to happen this way

Pete struggle by hitting and scratching this guy but no use. . .

This man managed to push Pete In the car but no use of Pete's protests

"Oh common beautiful why are you playing hard to get you can't you understand my love I'm gonna give you happy life just come me" That man says making a pout to calm Pete slowly taping his mouth Pete felt disgusted when this man licked his cheek....

Pete lost all the hopes but right then he saw a car heading In the came direction Pete tried all he can to that drivers attention but this man managed to hide Pete...

Pete saw that car stopped at the cafe shop where he works and saw someone getting down---- it's Ae

Pete felt like his soul came back to his body Pete needs to be smart and not let this creep find out and hint Ae about his presence Pete don't know what to do Ae get back into his car as the cafe is locked Pete prays that Ae should notice this car....

On the other hand Ae looking for Pete he is mad that he couldn't meet him Ae look around disappointed hoping to find any trace of the human but no use Ae turn around and get back to his car for some reason Ae felt weird it's like he's missing out something or maybe forgetting something...

Ae can feel Pete's presence his warmth and his smell in the air but not sure of this uncomfortable feels

Is it because he didn't see Pete for a while or maybe there is still his reminisce of Pete or maybe because he can feel Pete's presence still in the air as he might have just left the place.....

Ae get in the car drive back to home but when he turned the car he saw a car at the end of the lane Ae drive past it thinking it might be some stranger but his face looks familiar even though the person's face is not clear but he can make out Ae drive past him thinking about the person but suddenly stop the car he realized who that was...

It's none other than venomous pack  member Mean he saw him quiet as few times when he went to meet venomous pack members but what is he doing here...

Ae felt something is wrong but he can't make and Pete's smell Pete's presence in the air is still clouded his mind he can't process things

Mean looked Ae when he got down the air he smirk Ae look confused walk towards them before he could react he found someone familiar in the car tied up Mean's smirk get bigger before Ae could run towards the car Mean get in car start off soon Ae's eyes turn red slowly turning into wolf his anger his rage his fear towards Pete just couldn't contain him he failed to protect Pete from wolves he promised himself to protect him but here he failed to do it...

Ae don't have time he can't afford to waste it he chase the car in his wolf form his only priority is Pete but he couldn't catch them Ae quickly run towards his car he turn into human form dial his brother....

"P'Knock they got Pete I'm going there" Ae cut the call throw his phone in the car drive to chase the car....

"Shit shit shit this human won't let my brother live at peace" knock mumbles korn heard him

"What's wrong?! "

"They got Pete I'm going don't tell dad anything you manage here" Knock informs take his car keys run outside....

Ae on the other hand is chasing the car in the woods he is past the city....

Ae curse himself blaming himself for leaving Pete alone.....

To be continued.....

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