Chapter 5

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Alayna POV

Mia and I were standing near dessert table and Jason had just gone to get another drink, it seems like it was a huge celebration going on because everyone seems to be looking towards the staircase, "Mia why is everyone looking scared and alarmed right now, and why hasn't  Jason come back". We looked around but didn't find Jason, "I think he will be around here probably chatting up a blond girl, I'll quickly go to the restroom will you be okay on your own" Mia said. I nodded and Mia went, everyone around me started to move forward and gather around the staircase, Jason came running towards me, he was out of breath "hey what's wrong" he took hold of my arm and took me to the corner, "Alayna we need to leave and where is Mia", I didn't know what Jason was saying, "Mia just went to the restroom, but what happened", Jason looked like he ran a marathon and would collapse any minute.
"Alayna I don't know whose party we gate crashed. I just had a look on my Messenger and the address my friend had sent for the party that's no where near this place, we're not even supposed to be here, there looks like people disguised as marshals patrolling outside, we need to get out of here now". I was shocked but understood that wasn't the first time Jason made a mistake. "Look Jason why don't you wait outside and I'll quickly grab Mia and we leave this place".
Just as Jason left and I was about to go in search of Mia towards the restroom when suddenly everything went quiet I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs, I looked up and there stood a handsome Adonis looking man dressed in 3 piece Armani suit, as he walked down the stairs I could sense he had this strong aura about him, he then started to talk to his guests and thanked them for coming, I didn't really notice what he was saying as I was awestruck. When all of sudden there was a loud thud sound, I realised I forgot I had to find Mia, I was about to turn around when suddenly he told everyone to move back he walked and stood in the middle, I looked over and saw the waiter who had served us was sat in the middle as well, he had his upper lip cut and you could see blood oozing out of his arm and head. I couldn't quite catch what the handsome guy was saying but I could hear the people in front of me all shout "DIE HUNTER", and that's when a loud bang happened the handsome guy had shot the waiter right between his eyes, there was a big cheer around me and a gasp which I realised it was me, I quickly hid behind the wall, i don't know what happened but I knew I had to get myself and Mia out of here otherwise I would be next, I've got a feeling this party is celebrated by gangs or mafia and as I'm not part of their gang or the Hunter gang I knew that we weren't safe.
I was in my thoughts of how to get out when I got a text message from Jason that Mia was outside with him, I sighed thank god Mia was safe, I need to find a way out I can't use the main entrance as it's occupied by the fan gang and real gang. I mean how could they just kill someone and be so calm, I knew I had to move otherwise I could get caught. I could move towards the kitchen but what if there were people in there and that's when I saw a staircase so I just took that.
As I reached on top floor there were 2 doors I didn't know which one to pick right or left, but my gut feeling said right when suddenly I saw Jason ringing me " hello Jason I'm okay" " thank god your okay where are you" "I'm trying to find a way out where are you guys". "We're hiding behind a car just hurry up please". I finished the call and opened the right door it looked like an office it had 3 big window in-front and on sides, I quickly ran to check if they were open and luckily the front window was opened, I looked out and you had the main entrance view from up here I rang Jason to find out where they were. " hey where are you guys", "we're behind a black jeep right in-front of the gates" " okay look up you probably could see me". I could see Jason look up and give sigh of relief " how are you going to get down", "I'll see how to get down but we need to find a way out of here as you can see the gates are closed they won't open unless these people open it". I could see Jason was thinking, " how about I get Mia over the gate when no one is looking, you get down here as quick as you can", " okay I'll find a way down just stay on the phone cause there are people down there patrolling". Jason had the phone on and was pushing Mia to climb the gate quickly you could tell she was refusing but Jason had left her with no choice, luckily she got her self over. I got out of the window there was balconette where I could stand when all of sudden the door to the office opened.

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