Chapter 11

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Alayna POV

Mr Romero had started to walk to the podium where the head master was standing, but his back was rigid, he kept his head high and walked without giving a glance to anyone just kept his eyes in front, I looked around for an escape before anyone else notices but Mr Romero men's where guarding the door. I just hoped he didn't realise who I was.
I wanted to ring Mia but I knew I couldn't, every student was just waiting for him to speak especially the girls they were gushing at how he looks and would have sexy voice it annoyed me the glances they were giving him as they haven't seen a man before
Mr Romero started to speak "good afternoon everyone I'm sorry to have you out of your last lesson but I must believe you all might know I had reason and most likely everyone will enjoy what I'm going to offer obviously with the help from headmaster and teacher" he had a big smirk on his face whilst speaking thats exactly how he was talking that night these rich men are always arrogant but nobody would pet wolves right he probably is first.
"I would like everyone to call me Adrian not Mr Romero as it make me sound old", everyone chuckled while I didn't know how to react, "as you all know that I'm the youngest billionaire I want you all to know I was born in a family with a lot of money but not as much as people think, I had to build my empire from scratch I was only 14 when I started my business but I was not given any opportunity unlike you all are getting", Charlie whose in my history class and on the jock team sat in front of me and put his hand up, I slid more in the chair so he would cover me but nothing was helping " I wanted to ask why ask our school there are other schools as well around here", I don't like Charlie but I could've of gave him a big hug because that's exactly what I had on mind. " you're right I could of gone to a different school or college but this school has something that I hold dear", I looked up and my eyes met grey eyes but as soon as that happened he turned his face to the other side, I don't know why but I felt hurt but I quickly got rid of that thought. The headmaster told us that he chose 5 candidates to go with Adrian this week to look at his company, there will be 2 girls and 3 boys, I was hoping and had my fingers crossed that I wasn't one of them, "I would like to call on stage Jake, Charlie, Vanessa, Jordan and last Alayna". All of them stood up and Charlie looked at me I was shocked but I knew if didn't move there will be questions I wish Jason or Mia were here. I stood up and made my way to the front, I stayed at the end away from Adrian "these 5 are majoring in business so I hand them over to you", Adrian had walked from the other end to my end, "as you 5 probably know that by end of this week you will be working with me so when you come to my company you guys will be told what you will be working on". The headmaster told us that we could leave early as we aren't going to be attending the last lesson, I quickly followed the others out of assembly hall. As soon as I was out I quickly walked back to my locker and got my stuff and was ready to leave, when I saw Vanessa coming up to me
"Hey are you okay i saw you getting out of assembly hall really quickly, Alayna", Vanessa clicked here fingers infront me when my eyes snapped to hers
"I was asking are you okay"
"Huh oh no Ive got this headache so I'm just going to get home and relax"
"Ok I'll see you Tomorrow bye"
I left the building and started to walk home, i was in my own world that I didn't check my phone ringing, I stopped in front of the bakery shop and got my phone out of my bag, I saw couple of missed calls from Mia and 2 from Jason. I was ringing Mia back when I saw from the glass a reflection of black Mercedes car stopped and parked on side, I didn't give any attention to it, I rang Mia but it went out to be unreachable. I started to walk again when all of a sudden that Mercedes car pulled up besides me, I shook my head when the Tinted window started to slide down.
" Hi miss Alayna right, sorry I saw you walking from college, it's seems like it will start to rain in a-bit would you like a lift"
"No thanks I've got a umbrella"
"Have you"
"Yes I've got it right in my bag" as soon as those words got out of my mouth it started to pour down.
"Miss Alayna your umbrella"
I started to rummage through my bag but I knew I didn't have it, I looked up I could see the smug look on Mr Romero face
"I love rain but I forgot to pack my umbrella"
I knew it was lame answer but he wasn't making it easy for me either
"Why don't just get in the car your already soaked you will catch a cold as well". I don't know but my hands started to reach for the handle and opened the door to the car. I sat down and all I could smell was his cologne which I had started to fall in love with
Mr Romero switched off the ac and I could feel the heat coming from the seats making my body warm couldn't help letting out a sigh and cuddling up, I could see Mr Romero grip the steering wheel his knuckles had gone white after few seconds pass by he took his jacket off and passed it to me
"Put this on it will keep you warm"
I took it from him a pulled it on he kept driving in silence after 10mins he pulled into my street
"How did you know where I live"
He looked at me and said
"I know everything"
He pulled outside my apartment
"I know your address as you will be working for me so therefore it wasn't hard to have access to your details"
"Thank you for giving me a lift I know you are quite busy man" I went to take off the jacket when he held my hands I could feel the tingles running up and down where we held hands he quickly snatched his hand back
"No need to thank me and keep it on when you get out there you will feel the coldness also it's looks better on you" I could feel the warmth in my cheeks
"Thank you once again" I opened the door and and quickly got on to my porch I opened my apartment door and I could hear the car pulling out, I walked inside and it was really quiet I saw a note on the fridge

I'm going out with Jason don't know when we will be back.
Love Mia

Great they will be out so it looks like I'll be on my own tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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