Chapter 10

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Alayna POV

it was lunch time I put my books in my locker and heard the Cheer girls squealing, there voices really annoy me they sound so fake all the time they are probably bullying some kid that they don't like and that's how its always been if they don't like anyone they're going to bully them and the stupid jocks are going to support them but nobody is going to voice against them as they don't wanna be on any of there bad side, but our group of three has always been different we don't talk much to others so nobody gets involved with us either and we have preferred it that way but today just seems different I want to know more about Vanessa and befriend her it's like how I felt with Mia when I first met her, I was staring in the corridor when I saw Vanessa walking by with her head down I called out "hey Vanessa"
she looked at me and stood there but didn't say anything back I spoke again "Are you going towards the canteen I'm going that way too let's walk together".
She looked around and said "Oh no I'm going to the library I've got some work to do",
I knew she was feeling uncomfortable but she needed to come out of her shell "Well how about we grab lunch together and then go to the library".
She looked surprised "Why"
"What do you mean why", "Why are you acting like you know me and trying to be my friend". I was taken back at what she said, "Well first thing Vanessa I'm not acting I'm just being nice and I'm sorry if you think I'm being your friend out of sympathy which is not true and I know it's hard to believe but I never got a chance to speak to you before because you sit  either on other side of the class or in middle and today when you sat next to me I thought why not, so I started a conversation and I spoke to you and I think your a nice girl, and I would like to know you more and be your friend". Vanessa looked surprised but supported a small smile,
" I'm sorry Alayna I just don't trust anyone as you seen how they treat me so I'm bound to think that you guys could be pulling a prank", I could see where she was coming from " there is no need to worry as I don't belong to that group either".
" I'm sorry i said your acting you even helped me earlier on"
" Hey that doesn't matter you were in a situation where you needed help and I was there to help you".
Vanessa gave me a real smile, this time
" Look if you don't want to go to the canteen we won't go but don't hide in the library we could sit outside".
Vanessa agreed and said she will drop her things to the locker and meet me there. As she walked off The cheerleaders sneered at her and one of them made comment on her to but she didn't pay any attention and walked by, I knew she wouldn't say anything back but I just had hoped she would when all of sudden the cheerleaders Queen bit** Leslie invaded my personal space;
" Hey Alayna you haven't got your friends today so you decided to be friends with this poor lonely scholarship nerd God your pathetic then aren't you and here we thought we could have you in our group", I was Pissed of with there comment on Vanessa but they made me laugh out loud because of there last sentence I didn't let them have the satisfaction that they were getting on my nerves, by this time we had other students gather about including the jocks they stood to watch this commotion between Leslie and I, " Hahaha you must be delusional if you think I wanna be in your group of Pom Pom I don't need you but it's the other way around correct Leslie besides you and your Pom Pom don't match my standards" I got her there her and her minions have been after me since day one to join there team they knew my family was rich so they always thought they could sway me to there side but I never took interest in cheerleading, Leslie looked at me angrily,
" Oh yes about Vanessa she is on a scholarship thats true, is she lonely not really and being a nerd is better than being one of you who wouldn't mind spreading her legs than putting your head down and study but again she had the brains to get scholarship whereas you dumb bit**** had your parents to pay your way in because you didn't have any brains, so to me it seems as your the pathetic ones, now if you flys wanna bug of from here that would be much appreciated".
There was a pin drop nobody said anything and just stood there, I saw Vanessa walking towards me her eyes had soften we walked together out from there and sat under the tree I had wished Mia and Jason were here, Vanessa put hand on my shoulder
" Hey I wanted to say thank you for sticking up for me you didn't have too but you did", " You don't need to thank me I told you we're friends whether you agree or not I would always stick up for you".
I could see her wall going down as she had calmed down there was a distant look in her face but then she just shakes her head. I asked her what would be here next lesson she took out her schedule and handed it to me I matched it with mine and saw she only had one class different from mine but she would be sharing that with Mia so that would be nice. I could feel somebody gaze burning on me but I couldn't tell where it was coming from i looked around my surroundings but didn't see anyone. I and Vanessa where just finishing up as it was end of our lunch break when suddenly Mr Rodger our Spanish teacher came and stood in front of us, Vanessa tensed up and looked down, I looked between them and saw mr Rodger sending ugly glares towards her I broke the tension as I didn't like the vibes coming from him
" Sir",
He broke his staring glance away from Vanessa and put on a fake smile
" Just checking if everything is okay as I heard the commotion down in the corridor between you two and the cheerleaders they were upset when they came and told the principle. He did check the cctv camera to make sure the girls weren't lying, and also I had to remind Vanessa that she has detention today as she couldn't attend last week, I'll let you girls go as the bell has rang and I wouldn't want you to be late".
He walked off and I just stared at him what did he mean detention I looked at Vanessa and it looked like she would cry
" Vanessa are you okay"
Vanessa looked at me and ran inside the school I followed her I saw her head as the door to the toilets closed I walked in knocked on the door but all I could hear sniffles
" Hey open up, what happened for you to cry like this", I gave her few minutes I tried again " you know you can tell me whatever is bothering you", she didn't say anything and her cry's had quieten down. I didn't want to over step my boundaries and upset her I wanted her to trust me first, the door opened and Vanessa came out her eyes were puffy but she managed to mask her emotions and said to make our way to class, I held onto her arm
" are you okay what happened earlier on",
" Nothing happened I don't want to speak about it". I didn't pressure her either after that and walked to the classroom as we walked in everyone stopped talking, I ignored the looks I was getting and took my seat at the back, Vanessa sat next to me on my left and we waited for the teacher to arrive, I took a look at Vanessa and she had a far away look on her face, I gently touched her hand and she flinched away I knew there was something going on with her maybe somebody is abusing her and she doesn't want anyone to know. 
" Vanessa, I know you don't trust me yet but I'm here for you", She looked relieved that I didn't pressure her into saying more than she had too, " Also I'll wait for you after detention and I'll drop you off", Vanessa quickly said no I asked why but she kept saying she was okay and didn't want me to stay after school I was about to argue on that when all of sudden we got an announcement.
" Hello students this is secretary Mrs Letty I would like all the students to report to assembly there is nothing to worry but all of you need to report now, Thank you".
Everyone in the classroom stood up and walked towards the door I and Vanessa followed behind I was wondering why the principle wants to have a assembly today when we never have it on a Monday, all the students tried to get in first through the double doors I stayed behind I saw that I had lost Vanessa and she was standing ahead of me I was towards the end. Everyone went quiet as the principle walked on the podium.
" Hello students i had to cancel your last lesson today as I've got very important guest you need to meet this may help a lot of you with your future who want to go in business if this is successful then we might try to get more people from different field to come and help out but this depends with their schedules, once  again I'm very thankful that our guest for today took out his time and came to visit to help you with the knowledge in business for some he might even inspire you as he is the 2nd youngest billionaire in today times", as the principle was about to say the name the hall room doors opened and I got this beautiful whiff of apple and cinnamon, I was inhaling that smell when the principle announced the name " I welcome Mr Adrian Romero", I snapped my eyes open suddenly and looked towards the door, there stood Adrian hair slicked back looking like a god with black suit on.

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