Chapter 8

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Alayna POV

I didn't know how to feel or react, as the other two next to me were shaking more than anything, I could totally sympathies with them. We were getting scared every second that was going by, any minute Adrian and his men could come out and catch us.
We were in the air for 2 hours and so far everything was okay our eyes were looking in front but nothing unusual, I thought to myself that were just panicking it's not like they haven't seen our faces but only know our names.
When Suddenly the light went dark indicating that we could get some sleep, I desperately needed to go toilet but I waited till the plane landed, I don't know how long went by, but I couldn't wait. I tapped on Mia's shoulder "psst Mia can you tell Jason to get up so I could pass by and go to the toilet", she gave me look saying can't I wait, she turned towards Jason and told him that i needed to use the toilet, he groaned but stood up and let me by, I got up and walked to the toilet luckily there wasn't any queue.
I quickly got in and did my business, washed my hands and got out, I wasn't looking up when I bumped into somebody chest, I immediately apologised, the person who I bumped into didn't say anything. I looked up and it was the same guy that I saw with Adrian tonight, I moved out of his way and made my way back, I could feel his eyes on me till I got to my seat, Jason stood up again to let me through, I sat down and just prayed for the pilot to land this plane ASAP, it was so quiet in the plane. I looked around the plane and saw either people were watching on the small screen that's behind the seats or sleeping, I leaned my head on the window, I could feel the cool air on my forehead and closed my eyes and don't know when but I fell asleep dreaming about Grey eyes.
After sometime I could feel someone shaking me to wake up, I stretched my arms thinking I'm in my bed and looked around and realised that I was in plane. The plane had landed and everyone was getting out, Jason and Mia had our bags in their hands and asked me to hurry up so we could get out, we still weren't out of threat, we quickly exited the airport and called a taxi, we were waiting when we saw a black Bentley slowly go past us, it had black tinted windows so we couldn't tell who was driving.
I was still looking at the car when I heard Mia shouting my name "Alayna hurry up and get in the taxi", I walked towards them and sat in the back with Mia whereas Jason sat in front. I was glad that we had reached home safely but my heart wasn't agreeing with me, I could hear Mia chatting with me but I was in my own lala land, "hey did you hear anything I said", I looked at her "sorry what was that". Mia was about to say something when Jason came for my defence, " Mia you know what we went through, Alayna might be shaken up after all that". I thanked Jason with my eyes and looked at Mia
" sorry Mia I wasn't listening to you, I was actually thinking about tomorrow as we got school". Mia nodded and agreed, I sighed
We got home in the evening Jason took the bags with Mia inside and I payed the driver. As I was walking to get inside that's when I felt like somebody was watching me, I turned around and saw a black suv parked out on the street, it was so dark that you couldn't tell if anybody was in there. Mia called me to get inside as it was a bit chilly and I didn't even have a cardigan, I walked inside and Mia and Jason were sitting on the sofa flicking through channels to see if there was anything good to watch. I left them to choose and went to my bedroom, I put my bag on my bed and opened the window for fresh air, I took a clean pair of pantie and bra out from drawer with my nightdress and got into shower as I was washing my hair I heard a noise come from my bedroom i left it and carried on as I thought it was probably Mia or Jason I finished up and walked out. Mia knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to eat I was so tired I just wanted to sleep I said no to her and I could hear her footsteps walking down the stairs. I stood up and went to close my window and curtain, when I saw the suv move and park right in front of my window, I quickly closed the curtains, I shake my head and just calmed down, "it was just my imagination, cars don't move on there own, I got under the covers and fell asleep.

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