Chapter 7

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Alayna POV

Jason was driving quickly as he could to get us out of this area and get back to the hotel when we heard howling again.
I looked back and there were wolves really huge staring at our car when suddenly Jason brakes, "watch out" Mia shouted, there was another wolf in front, it was a lot bigger than other ones and it was black and brown colour whereas the others were dusty brown, it was coming towards us we didn't know what to do we were stuck in between, suddenly the wolf jumped on the car I shake Jason to move when he flinches he realises and looks at us to make sure we're okay he puts the car in high gear and drives, the wolf just holds on as we try to shake it off when suddenly Jason swirls the car and I bang into the dash board but that doesn't stop Jason as he wants to get rid of the wolf. The wolf gives a loud growl, I look up and its looking at Jason the wolf loses his grip and jumps of. Jason quickly drives away, "have we lost them", Mia asks, she just keeps looking back and fourth afraid they would jump out again, after a long while we reach the highway. We put on the navigation system for a short route to reach the hotel. When we reach the hotel after 1/2 an hour Jason parks the car and we get out. "Guys we need to get our stuff from the room and get to the airport, we need to leave tonight before those guys reach us" i said, this was a very horrible experience for all three of us. We entered the hotel and it was really busy, Mia and I went to our room and Jason went to his, Mia was still shocked about what had happened tonight, so I quickly packed both of our bags. I had also planned out to visit places here and tour around but now if we don't leave by tonight we will definitely be a meal passed on from Adrian to those wolves that he has kept as his pets, but on a second thought who keeps wolves as pets, I honestly wouldn't they look mean and vicious. I was in my thoughts when Jason knocked on our door and we got out, "have you both got your stuff", I nodded at Jason "then let's leave I've booked a taxi and he is waiting outside, he will drop us of to the airport".
We took the elevator and went down to the ground floor, as soon as the door opened and we got out we were greeted by Adrian and his men that were standing in reception having a conversation with the receptionist they were blocking our way out. Jason phone started to ring he mouthed taxi driver, "ask him to give us 10mins", I said to Jason.
We looked towards the reception and the manager had come out this time, "Mr Romero Is there anything we could help you with", "yes I would like you to check and give me the room number of the people that checked in yesterday there were three of them", Adrian said in that deep voice of his. "But sir so many come and go", "well would this help there were 2 girls and 1 boy", he growled when he said 1 boy, the receptionist quickly answered "sir there were 2 girls and 1 boy they said there names were Jason and Alayna and their room number are 204 and 206 ", Adrian smirked and  looked at his men's and shared an eye contact he turned around and thanked the receptionist. We knew if we didn't move from our position now we'll be caught that's when we saw the bellboy moving the luggage trolley towards the entrance we hid behind that when Adrian and his men started to walk towards the elevator, as they got in to the elevator we ran out of the hotel, we didn't even checkout because if we did then we would definitely be caught and served on gold platter to Adrian and his people.
The taxi driver was waiting for us near the entrance we got into the taxi and the driver took off, we were afraid to say anything about Adrian as he was Mr Romero he was well known among these people and any word against him would reach him and we could find ourselves in a big deep trouble with Mafia. The driver got us on time to the airport, I had rang them up and booked all three of our tickets we just had to collect them, as we got into the airport it was really quiet we quickly got our tickets and went through, when we got to the waiting room Mia and went to the bathroom and changed into our sweats "what shall we do with these dresses", Mia asked "throw them in the bin, they are no use to us and even if they do reach here they will only find these dresses here and not us", I said, Mia threw mine and her dress in the bin and we walked out. Jason had also changed and was waiting for us, our flight had been announced and we proceeded to check in and take our seats, they took half an hour and everybody settled and seated, we got happy that we were going back home that's when the attendant said that we got two more passengers waiting to check in but they are first class, I looked at Jason and rolled my eyes rich people always delay we could of took off by now, we were waiting when we heard the fly attendant greet the two people who had just arrived, Mia elbowed me, I looked at her when she gestured towards the front, I looked where she was gesturing and saw Adrian and his men go into first class I'm glad that I didn't take first class for us three but also nervous that we would be riding back with them. We ran and ran but they still catched up to us at the end, I don't know what we're going to do if they recognise us, I just hope for the best.

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