First Sight

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I'm so nervous, it's my first day at UA. I'm surprised I even made it passed the entrance exam. Even then, I still barely passed. Where even is my class? I don't remember what my schedule paper said. I'm, clearly doing great. I should probably check it before I get lost in this school. Oh I'd be so embarrassed. [you open your backpack to look for your schedule and... it's gone?!] There is NO way this is happening to me right now?! Oh no! No no no no no! What do I do?! This is fine, I just need to find my way to the office and get a new one. No biggie... no... problemo... n-

"Hey, watch where you're going dimwit."

"Ah- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean t- I... I'm so sorry!" I need to get out of here! [as you run past this unknown student, he grabs your hand]

"Wait a minute, idiot!" He calls after you.

"I- I already said I was sorry! Please don't hurt me!" what if he hurts me, beats me up for bumping into him! I'm so scared!

"Hey-! Can you calm down for five seconds? I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanted to give this back to you, it fell out of your bag earlier." He hands you your... schedule!

"This is...! My schedule! Oh thank you so much! I would've lost my mind if I hadn't found it! I mean, I would have to find the office all on my own and find the courage to talk to the teachers and-"

"You're that new kid, aren't you?" He interrupts your rambling.

"Me?" You finally look up at him and see him roll his eyes. "O-oh! Y-yeah! That's me!" Gosh, of course he was talking to me! We are the only two people in the halls right now I'm so stupid! Oh god, what if he hates me? He rolled his eyes just now, he's probably so annoyed with me.

"So? You got a name? Or should I just call you dumbass?"

"O-oh right!" He was waiting for an introduction but I'm so used to people just brushing me off I thought he was waiting for me to leave his sight. "My name is y/n. I'm from out of town, I'm taking the hero course." Whew, I hope that was good enough.

"Cool." Is he not going to introduce himself?

"...and you are...?"

"Ah, yeah, name's Katsuki. Bakugou Katsuki." He seems... nervous? Is he flustered?

"Hey quit starin' at me like that, idiot," me? Staring at him? He was staring at me first! "W-whatever-! I gotta get to class, you can tag along if you wanna, we have the same class after all. But I don't give a damn if you stay behind. Just... [sigh] do whatever ya want kid."

I think I made him nervous... how? Hmm, maybe it's just first day jitters. I'm sure everyone gets them. [You walk down the hall with Bakugou and turn the corner to your classroom door. He walks in, but you stay behind for a second]

"You comin' or what?"

[You look up at him and let out a soft, shaky sigh, letting out your last few jitters] "Yeah"

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