Sleep pt.2

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He's also staring up at his ceiling, restless. He also finds him self being reminded of that day. Every time he thinks about it, it doesn't matter if he's intentionally thinking about you, his mind always goes back to you in his room. The way the sun set, painting the most beautiful, warm, colors upon your face. The way the sky, through his window, reflected on your eyes. How your voice got real soft when you thought you were being too loud or thought you were getting too excited over something.

"Tch. I seriously need to get some damn sleep. Quit thinkin' about that damn nerd."

He decides to play some music to help him fall asleep. [play]

I guess I should stop... Lookin' out for you... Like I always do...

He turns to look at his phone. Contemplating whether he should text you, or his friend.

Start looking out for me too... Instead of leaving me staring at my shoes...

"I want to..."

Just the way you're glancing at me... Something about you...


Just makes me feel guilty for... Liking you...

"I wanna see them again."

This is a love song, for a girl. Who will never know it's about her...

Know it's pretty stupid, but I'm much to shy to tell her...

"I just want to..."

He gets frustrated at himself and turns over, pulling the pillow over his ears.

"I want to hear their voice again..."

He turns over to lie on his back again. [pause]

"This is stupid. I'm being an idiot."

He goes to sleep in silence.

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