Finals Week Pt.2 (studying with Bakugou)

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"I just can't retain any of what the teacher says! I'm so st-"

"You are not stupid."


"You just learn differently from some people." You look up at him with wide eyes. "It's not something to be ashamed about, everyone has their different way of learning. Being different doesn't mean being stupid. I mean look at Dunce Face, sure he acts dumb in class but that's because he works better studying alone with minimal distractions."

"I can't do that, I always end up getting on my games before even finishing one section of notes."

"So you work better with people. That's cool because then we can hang out more."

"You like hanging out with me?"

"..." He gives a slight blush, "...yeah, sure... it's whatever."

You look and him and smile.

"Well enough of that. We need to get your brain back on track and study."

For the next hour, you endure Bakugou's yelling and soft smacks with a rolled up magazine. He's almost mean, but he just wants you to focus. He won't admit it but, he really just wants you to be up there with him, at the top of your class. And, it made him really happy when you agreed to study in his room because he wanted to watch TV with you when you finished.

[stretch and sigh] "Aah finally finished!" After what felt like an eternity, you've finally finished studying all the subjects you've struggled with. He was even nice enough to teach you some of his little tricks to remember things better! Though a lot of them are linked to some type of violence for some reason.

"You did great, I'm proud of you."

"Proud of me? All you really did was help an idiot with their homework."

"And I'm proud of you. I'm proud of your work, even if you're not. You're better than you think you are, you know?" He nudges your arm. "Here, why don't you put your stuff away in your room, change into something more comfortable and come back. We can watch some TV?"

"But it'll be late by the time-"

"I just wanna spend time with you dumbass!"

Spend time with me? Spend time with me?! "O-okay!"

"Tch. Hurry your ass up." He's clearly blushing but he turns away to hide the fact.

"Alright alright I got it!" You hurry to your room.

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