A Night With Bakugou

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"Change into something more comfortable and come back. We can watch some TV"

Change into something more comfortable? Like what? I guess I can just change into one of my hoodies and a pair of sweats? Just to get out of this uniform. Yeah, just this regular black hoodie and my grey sweats, this is fine.

[Balugou's pov]

I should change too. I've been in this dumb fucking uniform for hours. I hate it.

He changes into an undershirt and some sweats.

I wonder what they'll wear... Anything looks good on them.

He freezes. Does a double-take on himself.

What the fuck did I just say? Anything looks good on them? Well sure, anyone can think that their friend- FRIEND- looks great in any clothes they wear! B-but... they do look cute in their oversized hoodies... and their shorts or sweats. It's cute when they're too lazy to wear something nice when we go out places, or they don't feel the need to dress up. When they wear their comfy outfits... COMFY? Jesus Christ what am I even saying right now?! AAAGH I'm acting like a dumbass! This is so stupid! These f-feelings?! What the hell?! I hate it!

[back to your pov]

Okay, I'm wearing my sweats and my 8-bit videogame shirt. This should be fine, I'm gonna be fine! Just a couple of friends hanging out! Just two friends... hanging out. We are just... friends. And we are just... hanging out. This is gonna be just fine! It'll be fun! Now let's get out there and watch some TV with our friend!

You finally step outside your room and stand in front of his door. You raise your hand to knock but you take a short pause.

"Should I text him first?" No, it's fine! I'll just knock and-

The door opens. You find yourself face to face with his chest. His hoodie reads, "Excuse The Fuck Outta Me". You look up and he is practically towering over you.

"Well? Ya comin' in or what?" He slouches a bit to meet your eyes. "Hey- earth to y/n."

You shake your head. "H-huh? Oh-! Yeah! I- I'm coming in, sorry!" You look down at the floor, blushing as you quickly walk past him.

"Heheh, you looked like an idiot standing there like that!" He ruffles your hair as you sit down on the floor.

[Bakugou's pov]

That was so cute?!!!????!?!!??!!?! No! No no no no no! I cannot go thinkin' that my FRIEND is cute!

[back to your pov]

"Hey- why not sit on my bed?"

"Your bed?"

"Well duh my bed, dumbass. Who's else would it be if this is my room?"

Gah! I'm so stupid! "O-oh yeah, duh, haha..."

You stand up and sit on the corner of his bed, hugging your knees to your chest to take up the least room.

"Come on, relax now. Why're you so tense?"

"N-no reason! I just don't wanna take up too much space on your bed that's all. I mean it is your bed, you should get to have most of it to yourself right? Actually I'm fine with going back on the floor and you can have your whole bed! Or I can just-"

"Just get over here, idiot." He pulls you back on the bed, sitting next to him against the wall.

Oh jeez, that was- [y/n.exe has stopped wroking]

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