The Baseball Game

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Today we're going to a baseball game together. I'm not really a huge fan of baseball or sports in general but, I think this will be fun! As long as I'm with him, it should be fine, right? Oh, I really can't wait! I wonder what he'll wear? I wonder if he get's really into the game and starts yelling, that would be so funny to see hah! Hmm, well, I guess it's time to pick out an outfit. What do people wear to baseball games? I'll find something.

You pick out a short-sleeved, plain white t-shirt and a pair of light-blue ripped jeans. You wear a loose, halfway zipped up sweater. For accessory, you wear a simple little necklace and bracelet. You cuff your jeans above some high-top Converse and you've completed your look for the day.

This should be goodm right? It's just a baseball game so I don't think I have to really dress up so much. I'll just do a little bit with my hair and then text him that I'm ready when he is!

[Meanwhile, Bakugou's getting ready as well]

Man, I'm glad they agreed to this... date-? No- stop calling it a date, dumbass! ...I'm fucking talking to myself. Who's the idiot now huh? *sigh* Whatever, I should start getting ready now then.

He puts on a plain, white T, tucked into ripped, black jeans. He puts on high-top Vans and is deciding on a jacket.

Hmm, should I go with a jean jacket or my black and white UA letterman jacket?

After about ten minutes of wearing one, looking at himself in the mirror, and throwing it back on his bed, he chose the letterman jacket. He finishes his outfit with a hat that, of course, says "FUCK YOU" across the front and back of it.

Alright, this looks good, I'll text them now to let them know that I'm ready when they are-

"Hey I finished getting ready so I'm ready whenever you are!"

He smiles, "Well I'm ready now so I'll come by your dorm and we'll leave together."

[Back to your pov]

Oh cool! We're gonna walk out together! I wonder how far the stadium is? Are we walking? No, actually, how are we even getting there? Did he plan this far? Or is he an idiot?

He knocks on your door.

Oh crap he's here!

You do some final adjustments to your hair and outfit before rushing to the door.

"Hey! Sorry I took a little while, I was fixing something real quick haha."

"You look good." He smiles.

You look at him, bottom to top, "you too. And-" you flick his hat, "a hat?"

"Uh- yeah. I thought- I dunno. I was thinking of ditching the hat actually-"

"I like it."

He looks at you with bright eyes, "really?"

"Mhm" you nod your head.

You start walking down the hall and the question keeps festering inside your head.

"Hey, so, how are we getting there?"

"I'm driving."

"You DRIVE?!"

"Uh yeah? I got my license five months ago idiot. Do you not remember me telling you about it?"

"No? I didn't even know you wanted to drive in high school? I thought you'd be all 'I'm not driving in school because then dumbasses would always ask me to drive them everywhere' but I guess you're not?"

"Oh no, I am like that. That's why I only told Half n Half- ooohhh- okay I see where I went wrong."

"Hah, you're an idiot." You elbow him lightly in the arm.

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